2012年6月16日 星期六


Internet marketers all over are finding it difficult to get better placed on search engines and have a page rank that is second to none, but one way these internet marketers can cash in for their websites is the new tool that google introduced lately which is the HOT TRENDS, this feature google introduced highlights searches that have sudden surges in popularity in google words "their searches are based on algorithm analysis where millions of web searches are performed on Google and displays those searches that deviate the most from their historic traffic pattern. The algorithm also filters out spam and removes inappropriate material. For each search hot trends show related searches, a search volume graph and the top cities. Hot trends also display news, blog, and web results to help give context about why a search may be appearing on the Hot Trends list today. Hot Trends is updated hourly. You can also choose a date in the past to see what the top Hot Trends for that date were."This means that every hour of every day, Google will give us a list of 100 keywords thathave shown a sudden jump in interest amongst its users across the world. There is aseparate list for each country. Google even goes down to the extent of giving names ofCities that have contributed to this spike the most. This is a goldmine.

Here's the link to access Hot Trends:/trends/hottrends

Now, with this in mind you then can choose the right key words in placing your website on the internet map and one way in doing this effectively is finding key words that will build traffic to your website especially in your niche area. One kind of keyword that shows these surges in demand are product relatedkeywords. These are what I call 'revenue keywords'. People searching for thesekeywords are, in most cases, interested in buying the product - now or later.These keywords could be for a new product launch, or because a certain productwas in the news, etc etc. Most of these keywords are fairly new to the market andhence they have zero/low competition on Google Adwords and other PPCsearch engines. So, you can create an ad around that keyword on Adwords, andsend traffic to an affiliate program that sells the product (preferable) or relatedones.Now that you have armed yourself with this information, the next is choosing the right keywords to position your website to your ne xt strategies.Remember, do not spend so much time doing research on this, Just open each short listed keyword in a new window, glance through the three parameters (news item, location and peak time) and make your decision on the keyword.


