2012年6月10日 星期日

Are You Using a Group of Marketing Blitz Websites to Market Properties for Sale or Rent On?

I'm often asked what websites to market properties on. There are three answers actually, and here they are in general: you want to go broad, deep, and then deeper when looking for websites to market your properties for sale or rent on. You want to market your properties to as many as you can and as quickly as you can and make sure you get some eyeballs on your property for sale or for rent quickly. I call this a "marketing blitz" and it takes a little preparation but it's worth it when you get it ready before the next time you have a property to sell or to rent. I suggest, that each time you have a property for sale, rent, lease-option, wholesale, or whatever it is that you have a spreadsheet with separate tabs set up for websites you can go to with logins, usernames and/or passwords so that you can do a marketing blitz.

Organization is key, and speed is what you're after. Speed is what makes you money as a wholesaler, for example, and in a lot of sense as a re al estate agent also. Speed makes you stand out. One way to get your property on a bunch of sites at once is by using tools of leverage like Pingfm or Traffic Geyser, as well as several others I know of and have used that aggravate your post or information and blast it out to a dozen or a hundred different ways when you just put it up one way. So, find those ways and leverage your time in a broad sense to get your property that you have marketed out there as quickly as you can to as many places as you can, that's step one.

Step two is to find the websites that are most focused on your type of transaction and use those websites to market your properties for sale or rent. What do I mean by that? For example, if you have a property that you're willing to owner finance then you need to go to places like the Owner Will Carry website and a dozen other places that allow you to list a property for sale on an owner finance basis on a website because they specifically work on that type of transaction.

How do you find those types of websites to market properties on? It's very simple and there are other types of transactions as well. If you're doing a sale with lease option or as a consumer would call that, a rent to own, because they're not going to be searching the Internet for sale with lease option, trust me. They'll be searching for a rent to own' or for buy like rent' or similar. So, in order to use that example of owner will carry' you must be willing to offer owner financing on your house.

You want to find a bunch of places that go deep and, of course, I've already built my spreadsheet because I've offered deals on owner financing. You want to build your own and go deep on that if your transaction type is owner financing or if you intend on doing that or have done that and have struggled to move that property, have 20 websites where they take listings for owner financed properties and put them within that tab on your spreadsheet of websites to market properties on.
How do you find them? Again, go to Google or your favorite search engine, search for owner financing, the owner will carry, seller carry back, various terms that mean the same thing, put the plus sign and then put listings. So for example you Google search things like this: "owner financing" + "listing" and so on til you find a good group of websites to have ready for the next marketing blitz you undertake when you want to market your next property for sale or rent on websites across the internet. Or if your transaction type were for instance lease options or rent to own, then you would Google search things like this: "rent to own" + "listing" and so on til you find a group of websites to market your next rent-to-own property on for your marketing blitz.

Whatever your transaction type ordinarily is, owner finance, lease option, rent to own, retail sale, wholesale property, fixer-upper or other, in order to do your own "marketing blitz" when you have a new dea l you will find sites that cater to that transaction and you will put them together so when you have one of those transactions, like if you had one right now, you could pull out your pre-created spreadsheet and use that strategy immediately.

Let's go a little deeper. The third type is the deeper type, deeper into your local area. Chances are that I don't know your local area as well as you do. However, I can give you some tips for finding the publications, websites and portals in your local area that are likely to get you noticed and get you potential renters, lease option buyers, private investors, potential landlord buyers, rehab buyers, sellers, etc. through marketing your properties.

You want to look for what people are talking about. Keep your thinking cap on. When you've opened up another tab in the spreadsheet you'll create entitled "marketing websites to sell properties" or "marketing websites to rent properties," you'll also want to have a ta b named "my geographic area." So, if you're in Chicago put that. If you're in New York put that, and then find the things that people are talking about.

You want to find out what the things are that people are talking about. You need these people on your social media friends list. They may have websites that allow you to list properties. They may be local realtors who are well known, if you're willing to sell the property through that type of arrangement, although most of the time you won't want to. They may be local Craigslist links direct to that.

It might be a forum online for your local newspaper because they're moving more towards realizing that their advertising driven model for newspapers is dying. A lot of them will give you free listings on the Internet, because they know that they'll make money.

So again, you're looking in your local area for those types of sites and it will be you creating that list through your social media con tracts, through people you ask and through other investors in your area. You're compiling that list so that the next time that you have a property for sale, rent, wholesale, whatever it is, then you have an action item list already created in a spreadsheet with a tab that says deeper (your location), whatever your local area is. You want places that will allow you to post or share information about your property for sale or rent.

Creating a spreadsheet of the websites to market properties on may sound like a lot of work, but once you have it, you'll be able to market your properties broadly and deeply in a very systematic way, and you'll actually save time in the long run.

Trust me, next time you have a property for sale or rent you will feel a LOT better about your marketing plan to get it rented and sold if you have your "marketing blitz" spreadsheet of broad, deep, transaction-specific, forum, geographic-specific, and more websites to market your pro perties on already ready to be opened up and put into action posting away to get immediate attention on your property.

If you'd like to see an example website "marketing blitz" spreadsheet my business uses to market properties for sale in one of the markets we flip properties in, just send our office an email with subject line "Please share your marketing blitz website list for selling properties" to support AT hisrealestatenetwork.com

I'll be happy to have our office send it over to you as a free gift in hopes it helps...just remember, you'll want to make some changes based on your business, transaction type, and geographic area before getting the best results from any model we share with you.

Happy investing!


