2012年1月12日 星期四

How to French Kiss - Drown Her Into Sexual Mood!

Women want men to kiss them more and they want them to learn how to French kiss step by step. The lips are one of the most sensitive erogenous zones and there is great power in being able to kiss well. The French kiss is the most romantic of kisses and it is an excellent method of starting foreplay as well as a way for you to show your desire, feelings and emotions.

This article is intended to teach you how to French kiss step by step so that you can turn on your partner with your mouth and have her feel excited to go on the rest of the sexual experience. It is an erotic way of kissing. Let's learn how to french kiss step by step. Remember that there is no wrong way to kiss.

French kissing involves using both your lips and your tongue to experience a really close and romantic feeling between two people. You may need to practice kissing until you get it right and don't forget that each person kisses differently and likes different things. Try French kissing step by step in order for you and your partner to get the hang of it.

Allow Yourself to Relax

Relax your lips and also your body. If you fail to do this, your partner will feel like he or she is kissing a dead fish.

Keep Your Lips Open

Open your lips to just the point where it's like your breathing through your mouth and don't open it much further than that.

Position Yourself

You don't have to face each other dead on when you are learning how to french kiss step by step. Move your head to the side so your noses just touch but don't run into one another. This allows your mouths to meet at the corners without involving your noses in the process.


In learning how to french kiss step by step, make sure you open your mouth and stick out your tongue by an inch or two. Place your tongue inside your love partner's mouth and make room for theirs to go you're your mouth. Circle your tongue around theirs and follow their lead as long as the sensation feels okay with you.

These are the Most Common Techniques for French Kissing:

1. Explore the inside of the mouth using your tongue

2. Flick your tongue toward your partner's.

3. Touch the tips of the tongues while simultaneously exploring the mouth.

This is the Most Vital Tip When it Comes to Learning How to French Kiss Step by Step:

Don't leave your tongue doing nothing-always have it constantly moving and use it to show your passion for your partner. Find out what he or she likes and follow that at all time. French kissing is all about exploring each other so make the most of it and don't forget to change things up a bit.

Moving Your Head

Everyone is different and there are those that will move their head around in a circular motion and others that won't move the head at all. There is personal preference to all of this so expect just about anything.The French kiss and is an excellent beginning to foreplay-showing affection and love for one another in the act of preparing for sex.


