2013年4月15日 星期一

Graphic Design Magazines for Students

Magazine subscriptions to design related magazines are a great way to learn what is going on in the field of graphic design. It broadens your horizons by showcasing design around the world. You can subscribe to many design magazines at a student-discounted rate. If the discount is not mentioned below, contact the publisher directly and request a student rate before ever paying the full price. Typically you will need to provide proof of your status as a college student.

Many magazines also provide a student enrollment to their design competitions. Others provide a student only design competition. These can also be found at their website and as a subscriber, you will receive information in the mail.

If you live away from your permanent home, you may want to have your magazine subscription sent to your home address. Publications run all year long and you dont want to miss a copy. If you have your subscription sent to your college address dont forget to have your address changed or your mail forwarded if you head home for the summer.

How Magazine

Print Magazine

Communication ArtsCA - you can subscribe to the student rate online through their website. At the top of the page, click on student subscription.


GDUSAFree magazine, subscribe online


Before and After



NAPP - Photoshop Usereducational price - less 10 dollars

Should you decide not to subscribe and even if you do, you cant afford all of them at once. The links listed will provide a lot of free information on their sites. Visit them often, become familiar with them. The classroom cannot provide all the knowledge needed for a career in graphic design. Supplement your learning by expanding your visual resources.


