2013年4月10日 星期三

6 Most Useful Design Tips For Creating A Usable User Interface (Ui)

I believe the first and the foremost important thing a UI developer can possibly do is ensure that your user interface of the application works consistently across the application. For e.g. If you clicking on a link item will increase the font-size to 1px, then its behavior should be consistent for all the link items. You can also put your buttons in consistent places on all your windows for e.g. below the main form and aligned right. Use the same wording in labels and messages with the same color, font-family and font-size. Normally error messages are in red color So, try to consist with that. Consistency in the UI of an application enables the users to build an accurate mental model of the application and the way it works, and it allows leads to users to understand fast.

The most important way to ensure consistency within your application is to set UI design standards, and then follow them. When you are developing the user interface for your system you will discover that your stakeholders/ end-users often have some unusual/inapplicable ideas as to how the user interface should be developed of the particular application. You should definitely listen to these ideas but you also need to make your stakeholders/end-users aware of your corporate UI standards and the need to conform to them. You should try to convey your point of view with your experiences instead of following what they are saying.

Navigation between major user interface items and in the screen is important. If it is difficult to get navigate from one screen to another, then the users will quickly become frustrated and give up. When the flow between the application web pages matches the flow of the work, then your application will make sense to your users and user be more interestingly will navigate the further pages. Because different users work in different ways, your application needs to be flexible enough to support their various approaches and also it should be able to work properly in most of browsers with a big amount of resolution support. For e.g. In most of the societies, user reads from left to right and top to bottom. Because most of the people are follow this approach, then your application are also organized left to right and top to bottom So, that it would easy for user to understand easily.

It is a very important point for users to understand the flow of the work. If your text is worded meaningless, then your application interface will be supposed poorly by the users. Using the complete meaningful words and sentences, will make users to understand it easily. For e.g. Text box which accepts only numbers and the error message saying You have input the wrong information is not meaningful and user wont be able to enter as per requirements of the application. Instead of that message is should say Please enter numbers only.

Dont compare your application with other applications because one application cannot contain all the UI techniques. Keep on visiting other application and try to capture their techniques, ideas and try to implement in your applications or for further use. Also dont assume that your application is doing well unless you know another application has been verified to follow the user interface-standards and guidelines of your organization. For e.g. Fields and labels should be aligned properly across the forms unless it is needed to be change their position for special cases. Most of the times they are aligned left with vertical align should be top.

The color of the application should be very effective and smooth for users to navigate/work across the application. Use secondary indicator as well. You should ensure that your screen should be easily readable. Use dark color of text and light color of backgrounds. Dont try to use very hard color for any special messages or information. Small icons with information can also be very effective. For e.g. Fields and labels should be aligned properly across the forms unless it is needed to be change their position for special cases. Most of the times they are aligned left with vertical align should be top.

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