2013年1月3日 星期四

How to Design a Simpe Personal Webpage

Creating a website can be very easy or very hard, depending of what you want. If you want a professional webpage, it'll take a lot of time and you'll need a lot of skill. I can't teach you all but we'll begin with basics.


First you have to decide what kind of page you want. If you want a page with information about you or your company go with static webpage. But if you want a forum or blog like page with login and comments go with harder dynamic webpage.


I can't learn you how to create a dynamic webpage, but if you realy want it try Joomla! Joomla! is a free management system written in PHP. It stores data in MySQL. If you want to learn it, go to Joomla! site and download it. You can find all templates, tutorials and a guide how to set it up. It's hard to learn, but after thatit gets easier.

Static webpage

So you determine to build your very firs static webpage. Static webpage is usually written in HTML. First we have to learn some basics of HTML.


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It's build of blocks. We'll learn some of them.

First, open up the notepad. Write or copy this in:

Now save it as index.html. Thats very important. The index page must be always named index.html.

This is how the basic HTML code look like. You may think it's pretty complicated, but it's not.

As you see all the HTML code is written within these "brackets" : (I dont know how they're called, Ill use the word brackets) Let me explain. All the orders must be written inside these brackets. The text outside the brackets will be seen as text.

- this begins the webpage. Every HTML based webpage contains this. - this is the head of the webpage. - this names your webpage.

As you may probably find out all of the blocks have their ends. The block ends same as it starts, you just put slash before world inside brackets.

Something - this is the end.

Well only learn how to create a heading and a hyperlink.


- this is the heading 1. You could put in the number 2 for heading 2 and so on. - a basic link. url stands for any url you want. The text between will be showed on a page.

For more HTML learning go to page: /html/

So, we learned some basics of HTML language. Now we can go to easier ways of creating a webpage.


Dreamweaver is probably the most popular program for creating web pages. Its easy to use and can satisfy even a professional webpage designer. But its not free. Actually its pretty expensive. You may buy it if you need it. But there are competitive programs which are free.


NVU is a free program. You can design pretty simple pages. Its easier than Dreamweaver, but it has limits. Its open source program and its getting better and better. I recommend you to try it and if it not satisfies your needs, then go with Dreamweaver.

This was a short guide into a world of creating web pages. I hope you learned something new. Im always ready to help, so send me an email or post below and Ill help you.


