2013年1月11日 星期五

Day Tipper


Every one of us is an expert on something. Chances are, through trial and error, hard work, or blind luck, you have learned something practical. Something that has helped make your life a little easier. It saved you time. It saved you money. Maybe it saved your marriage; maybe your life.

What you discovered is too helpful to keep to yourself. You want to share it. You think, "Others should benefit from this."

Now you can help others help themselves.

Welcome to Daytipper . Every day, content is added to this site that has helped someone before. The content here can help you. The editorial staff at Daytipper does not create the content found on this site. People like you do.

If you have a tip that is insightful, helpful, and original, we will publish it. You write the content. We share it with the world.


Daytipper was established in 2005 by colleagues that share a common goal: develop a service that allows the global community to submit and share tips, information, advice, and ideas. Founded by experienced veterans of the Internet and publishing industries, our mission is two-fold: assemble a popular and useful collection of tips, and allow everyone to contribute.

Prior to founding Daytipper, Nathan worked as a project manager for a variety of pioneering Internet dot com's in San Francisco (Bigstep) and Santa Barbara (SupplySolution, DigitalMed). Leading teams, providing direction, and ensuring client satisfaction were his primary tasks.

Nathan started Daytipper because he believes that many people have personal anecdotes that they are willing to share, but lack an easy method to do so.

Nathan is a graduate of Creighton University and the University of Nebraska and holds degrees in psychology, management of information systems, and planning.

Tyler brings nearly 10 years experience as an art director to Daytipper. As a partner, he is responsible for all aspects of branding and design for the company, and led the design of the Daytipper brand and corporate website. He is also an active marketing and product planning voice for the company.

Tyler also operates the San Francisco-based design and branding firm munsonDesign. munsonDesign provides a variety of print and online services to companies including Gap, Oracle, Palm and music producer Paul Oakenfold.

Tylers work has led to the award of a patent, with others pending, and he has received recognition by Newsweek as an early web innovator. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois, with a B.S. in Advertising and a B.F.A. in Graphic Design.

How can I learn from the tips published at Daytipper?

There are three major ways to find helpful tips at Daytipper. On the home page, the most recently published tips are right there waiting. Or, find tips grouped by subject on the column to the left. Below that, there is a search box where you can search by content, too. Simply enter the terms you are looking for, and click Submit, and the matching results will show up.

I see a lot of great content here. Can I create my own collection of favorite tips at Daytipper?

Yes. You will need to register with a valid email address and password. After registering, you can mark each tip you find helpful for later reference. These tips are then stored within the My Favorites page.

How do I share these useful tips with family and friends?

Daytipper makes it easy to share our tips. See a tip that you think someone would enjoy? Click on the Forward to a Friend button at the bottom-right corner of all tips, and complete the quick form. The tip will then be promptly delivered to your friends inbox.

Dont worry about submitting your own or anyone elses email to us. We keep all email address entered on Daytipper to ourselves. We promise.

Who submits these tips?

Users just like you have submitted great tips for readers to benefit from. They have experienced things in all facets of life and you are the beneficiary. We have found that everyone has something of value to teach. Harnessing the resource of others has provided you with great content.

Does EVERY tip submitted get published?

We have a professional editorial staff that looks at each and every tip submitted. For it to be published, it must meet relevance and originality criteria, as well as other usability parameters deemed by Daytipper.

You seem to have a lot of subjects covered. Is there content I WONT find here?

Daytipper strives to be a site that is 100% safe for the entire family. You will not find any content of an adult nature, nor will you find anything that is patently dangerous to any person or unlawful to any local, state, or federal regulations found in the United States. There is also no content that aids or abets criminal or unlawful activity in any way.

Whats this I hear about monthly cash prizes?

At the end of every month, Daytipper offers cash prizes of $100, $75, and $50 to the top three tip authors with the most popular and useful tips in a given month.

How do I get paid? Does the Tip Fairy leave it under my pillow?

Good one! While we cannot confirm nor deny the existence of winged sprites that nocturnally delivery money, we do offer different payment options. You can have the money emailed to your PayPal account or have Daytipper donate it to your favorite charity on your behalf.

Do I get credit for my accepted and published tips?

You may choose to have your name and town displayed with your tip, or you can choose total and complete anonymity.


Submitted Tip:

A Submitted Tip is any content entered into the Tip Description box that passes the following requirements. There is a 500-character limit, so most tips will easily fit in the Tip Submission box. Each tip must have a title (50 character limit), and the appropriate category chosen.

An Important Reminder: A SUBMITTED tip does NOT mean it has been ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT.

Join Day Tipper now. Click Here .


