2011年12月11日 星期日

Is Your Man Cheating? What Can You Do To Stop Him?

It has been said that around 50% of married men cheat on their wives. Most of those will never admit to doing it. It is not generally a womans fault that her man is cheating. There are some things that may give you a clue that it is happening, and there are some things you can do to help stop or prevent it from happening.

A man who cheats is not necessarily a bad man. They are usually having issues that cause them to cheat. Nearly half of men who cheat do so because they feel emotionally disconnected. They feel that their partner does not appreciate them. Men are much more insecure than some people would believe them to be.

There are a few things that you can watch for that may give you an idea that he is either cheating or that it may happen. One thing that you may want to watch for is that he is spending a lot of time away from home. He could either be seeing somebody else or it could be that he doesn't want to be around you, which may cause him to think about cheating. Another thing to watch out for is not having sex as often. If he does not want to have sex as often, it could be because he is getting that someplace else. It could also be that he is just frustrated with your situation. You may also question things if all of a sudden he's not calling you like he used to. That could be a sign that he is having problems. These are three major things that you want to watch out for. It doesn't mean that he is cheating, but if he isn't, he may start doing so soon.

The best thing you can do to keep your man from straying is to keep him happy. You can do several things to help you do this. One thing you can do to help is to make alone time. It is very important for you to do this. You may have kids, but you need to fit it in someplace. Send the kids out to play if it is possible or just let them go in their rooms to play so you can visit with each other.

Another good thing you can do is to go out once a week. If you have small children, just get a babysitter for the night. Go out to eat, bowling, to the movies. Whatever you decide to do is great. However, while you're out, do not talk about things at home. Nothing about bills, kids, chores, or anything like that, just make the night about the 2 of you. Enjoy each others company like you did when you were first going out. We get too caught up in what has to be done and forget to just have fun from time to time.

Show your man a lot of attention. Women like to be told they are good looking and so do men. Tell them that they are doing a good job and don't criticize him when he isn't perfect. Are you perfect? I doubt that you are and neither is he. You don't like it if he tells you that you screwed up so don't say those kinds of things to him. Put yourself in his shoes. Treat him like you want to be treated.

Pay attention to the things that he likes to do. If he likes baseball, then learn about baseball. If he likes golf, learn about golf. A man will appreciate it if you gain an understanding of the things that he likes to watch and do. They will enjoy spending more time with you because you now have something in common. Wouldn't you enjoy it if your man went to bingo with you? That's how a man feels too. He really wants to spend time with you but if you have nothing in common, it tends to get boring.

Take a long hard look at your sex life. If a man is not happy in the bedroom it can cause a serious problem. Men have a much stronger sex drive than women do. A few things you can do to keep him happy in the bedroom, is to experiment a little. Some men like to take pictures. That's ok as long as you have an agreement that those pictures are not to be shared with anybody else. You could also try some sex toys. A lot of men like sex toys and it can add a lot of spice to your sexual relationship with him. If a man is happy in the bedroom he is a lot less likely to stray.

The number one thing you can to do to help keep him happy and help prevent him from straying is to give him space. Trust is very important to a man. He may say to himself that if you don't trust him then he may as well give you a reason not to. Men and women both get very aggravated if their partner will not let them out of their site. So let him go out with his buddies once in a while. You'll feel much better too if you do this. Who likes to worry all the time about what their partner is doing and if they're being faithful?

Remember that keeping your man happy in all areas of his life is the best way to keep him from cheating. Making your man happy is as much for you as it is for him. If he's happy then he'll do more things for you that will make you happy. Don't cling to him, just make him happy. A happy man will most likely never stray.

