2013年2月3日 星期日

Why People Wear Designer Clothes - And Why Others Have Problems With It

You've probably heard arguments both for and against wearing designer clothing. "That dress is so beautiful; it's totally worth the crazy price tag!" "Ugh, how can someone spend that much on something that they could spill food on and ruin?" "Expensive clothes are made of great fabric." "Don't these people have kids to feed? Why are they spending so much on a pair of pants?"

The truth is, there are arguments for both sides of this issue, and both have valid points. But the question is, why do people wear designer clothing, and why do some people who don't wear expensive clothing mock those who do? My opinion is below.

Designer clothing makes people feel exclusive. There is something about wearing designer clothing that makes people feel special. It's almost like being part of a secret club that only the other 'club members' know about. You know how people in Jeeps honk at others in Jeeps? It's kind of like that - minus the honking. It creates a bond among people who know that they have at least one thing in common. It's also a great conversation starter.

Designer clothing is made of good material. There's no comparison between the soft denim of expensive jeans and the denim of jeans bought at WalMart. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with wearing jeans from WalMart, but I am saying that the tends to be different, and some people covet the softness of high priced denim.

Designer clothing can capture attention. Many people recognize designer brands, even if they don't wear them. Fashion lovers notice when others wear designer brands, and that grabs attention for the person wearing the designer clothing. One can also make the argument that designer clothing captures the attention of potential friends and others because the high quality fabric can be more flattering than lower cost items.

Designer clothing gives people confidence. When people wear good clothes, they may feel positive about themselves. The clothing, and expected attention, can cause a self-esteem boost.

Now, onto why some people mock and dislike those wearing designer clothing.

Once again, exclusivity plays a role. Those who do not wear designer clothing may feel resentful of the exclusive attitude that some people who wear designer clothes display. And, I hate to say it, but jealousy - although subconcious in some cases - may be a part of this.

Some people find it unnecessary to wear designer clothing, and that's okay! Some people like nice cars. Some like big houses. Others like traveling, going to sports games, or spoiling their kids. Some people can't do all of these, or any at all. It can be easy to get caught up in the thought process of wondering why people waste their money on expensive clothes. But the thing is, it's not wasteful for some people. Designer clothing can have intrinsic value for fashion lovers that goes way beyond the price tags. Besides, designer clothing does not have to be expensive, especially in a world of designer sale websites and consignment stores.

People just don't understand. Some people just aren't into fashion, and don't care if a shirt costs $5 or $500. They may think that people who spend $2,000 on a dress are being ridiculous. In a sense, yes, that's a lot of money to spend, especially in a volatile economy. But if that's where someone finds joy, and can afford the dress, there's no reason the person shouldn't have it. That being said, not understanding can cause judgment (due or undue) towards someone who wears designer clothing.

People who wear designer clothing think that they're all that. Okay, here's the thing - some people who wear expensive clothes have bad attitudes, so it may be easy to stereotype all people into that category. But like with any group, there are some people who may be snobby and others who are not. It can be easy to get caught up in the stereotype, even though it's not correct about everyone.


