2013年2月21日 星期四

Logo Design-How to Make it Effective

Logo design is a main aspect of web design.Logo actually is the brand of the product.Whoever sees a logo knows immediately who they are relating with.This is why the logo designers must try to know what would satisfy a client as well as acheive the principal purpose of ldentity and attractionj for its client.

Itis important to make a proper research before a logo is made.The client must know what he wants.He will definitely want a brand as well as a conserved space.The client must know what kind of identity and image they want to create.All these would enable the designer know how to go about it.

It is good that the logo be eye catchy and convey the message it was made for.Let the design make people ponder and talk about it. Let the logo be something that can be identified with the customer immediately it is seen.Above all let logo send positive signals to whoever comes across it.

The designer of the logo should be prepared to adjust his work until he gets the desire of the client done.He should be able to rectify mistakes discovered therein.

Try as much as possible not to overcrowd a logo either with words or with colours.

It is advisable to use fonts for words written on the logo.This is beautiful and more easily readable

Use compimentary colours against a good background


