The Apple has launched its iPad after a great waiting period. The Apple iPad provide the complete solution of the business related issues. The Apple Inc. is doing a lot of homework on their handsets before introducing them in to the market all because of the competition in the market. The latest launch by the Apple Inc. is its iPad. The Apple iPad has a sleek, stylish and cool look as it measures only 0.5 inches in the thickness.
The handset has a very large 9.7 inches LCD display for great video watching experience. The iPad has black borders around the screen which gives it a nice look. You can go back easily with the help of the key given just below of the screen. The Apple iPad also has a sleep button which is used to deactivate the screen. The iPad measures 9.6 x 7.47 x 0.5 inches in the dimensions. The iPad has a large black Apple logo on the Grey back side.
The iPad can get unlocked by just sliding the iPhone logo. The Apple iPad provides many preloaded applications as YouTube, mail, Safari, contacts, iPod, iTunes, apps store, video, settings, maps (by Google!), calendar, photos and many other additional applications. These latest applications has stronger capabilities and perform the tasks rapidly. The Apple iPad comes in with the preloaded HTML browser Safari which provide you better browsing experience as compared to the other browsers. The only limitation in the Apple iPad is that it doesn't have front camera and so you can not perform conference call.
The Apple iPad deals are available at many web portals where you can compare the Apple iPad contract deals and opt the best one for you. You get many free gifts with these deals as laptops, Nintendo Wii and incentives as free data usage, free texts and much more with these deals.