If you need to create a brochure design then there are actually some universal methods which you can follow. However not all of these methods might work on your brochure design. It is important to make your brochure design eye catching. Bear in mind that whichever brochure design you will create will represent your company or whatever reasons you are trying to convey to the public. Through this article you will get to learn some of the basic but important tips regarding brochure design.Companies and even schools are using brochure design to represent their services. Brochure design will actually plays a great role in making your logo or your services to stand out. But what if this is your first time to create brochure design? Then these tips I have gathered will surely help you out.Here are the brochure design tips that would help you out in creating a unique and fresh idea.1. Use vibrant colorsI know just how costly those color inks are but these will actually make your b rochure design to stands out. It is actually worth the investment. It is important that you make your brochure design bold and alive with colors as this will surely capture the client's attention. It is important that you apply this when creating your brochure design as the competition in the mail world is quite tough. 2. Use imagesAnother great way to make your brochure design to stands out is to use those colorful images and photos. Never flood down your brochure with all text contents as this will surely bore your clients. Add up some images and photos that might grab the customer's attention. Doing so will help you create a stunning brochure design in no time at all.3. Apply discretionNow if you want to make your brochure design a success it is important to make apply your title and other important details all over the brochure. It would actually help your brochure design if you will spread your details around the brochure itself and make it in bold text. You can also ad d up those details under or beside your images and photos.4. Less is moreNow if you want o fully capture your client's attention then you'd better make your brochure design less. Bear in mind that more is less when it comes to brochure design. Flooding your brochure with texts that are not relevant to your brochure design will surely make your brochure design to end up in the recycle bin! It will also help you create stunning brochure design if you will use the Arial family texts such as Arial, Arial Black, Arial Rounded MT Bold and Arial Narrow.These tips I shared with you will not only help you create a stunning brochure design but will also make it a flourishing one. You can also apply these tips on the most talked about online art contest today here in Street Scene Design. They are now offering the 1st Annual Interpret Durban T-shirt Competition which will be held here in Durban.