2013年11月18日 星期一

Bing now has 30% of the Search Engine Market and counting... Should Google Worry? - Search Engines - SE Optimization

This information was released just a few hours ago, courtesy of Experian Hitwise and a few of the sources at CBS's Bnet, it shocked even me so I had to share it with you guys, I have been an "avid" lover and follower and maybe I'll even say "believer" in Google for a very long time, but with all the "audibles" they have been calling as of late, with all the experiements on new products and so forth, I'm beginning to get worried, here's why

Bing has been gaining market share for months now, that's no secret, and it's obviously been at Google's expense. (shown clearly in the graphs available by Experian Hitwise if you choose to look them up, they are an online informational web resource, like a mini-wikipedia for online "search engine" results) For a little over a year now, no one has really known why Bing was gaining on Google... Was this just the inevitable? I mean the "Massive Google" finally having to give up some of it's huge market share? Or was it something else...

These charts and figures, courtesy of Experian Hitwise, also point out some other interesting things about Bing's overall "success" the past few months. It shows that the reason Bing has been growing consistently is not a "fluke," or sudden "deterioration" of Google's "overall share of the search market." It's actually due to the "success" rate that users are having when using Bing to do their SEO / SEM as opposed to Google Now go figure right? That's what I said But now it's starting to make a bit more sense, does anyone remember the articles that have been coming out lately on GoArticles about the recently added Google ranking system a.k.a. "The Google +1 Ranking Button?" Well I think this article now helps shed some light on why Google is running this so called +1 ranking "experiment" in the first place. They have got to try and get there head around perfecting there "Page Ranking system" like I mentioned before, and around why their "dumping" so much market share so qu ickly to Bing. These Experian Hitwise numbers/charts don't lie, people are having BETTER success with Bing than with Google. Now let's not jump to any crazy conclusions just yet after that statement. Like maybe I should switch over to Bing, or maybe I should stop using Facebook and use Bing instead - hang on a second! Let's not forget that Google still control the other 66% of the "search engine market" (yahoo has a little too remember), and you can't toss aside 66%, if you do, your shooting yourself in the foot - no offense and you should probably seek a SEO company instead. But like they always say, the numbers don't lie, or as my "paps" says, "The proof is in the Pudding."

So I guess what we can glean from this overall is that Bing should not be totally ignored. Bing definitely has "A FEW" advantages over Google but we shouldn't get carried away with this. My recommendation, have a Bing Adcenter account and advertise just a little bit, but don't go crazy; I would still be spending a majority of my money at Google, no question. I might as well mention here that I use to throw "Facebook" into the mix but with over 35% of users now using Facebook's mobile app - that means that 1 in 3 facebook users will never even SEE your ad... Also facebook is full of what I call "ad-blindness" or a better term would be, people that have become "immune" to the ads, because they use it so often, and there eyes are never "drawn" to the ads section WHATSOEVER. This is an actual SEO term "ad-blindness," don't believe me? Look it up, and you will...

So anyway back to the issue at hand, until Bing has 50% or more of the "search engine market" I don't see any real reason to panic. And as I said before, the only "sure conclusion" we can draw from any of this search engine stuff that has been happening over that past few weeks is the same conclusion from my previous article. "The "Google +1 Ranking System" was definitely added to try and "perfect" there existing PR (Page Ranking) system" - now we can add the words, thanks to Experian's data of course, "due to the fact that Bing has had a "overall" better success rate with search results than Google over the past 2 years." That just about sums it all up.


