Google AdSence is a way of earning from blogging but it is time consuming and one has less chances to earn upto his expectatios. There are so many people that earning from google adsence but those who are still waiting of earning from google.
I have come to know an interesting website which pays you money of shorten the links and url's through their website. This site is paying $4.00 per thousand clicks. You just have to share videos, music, e-books, magazines or any other content by shrinking your link with Inspite of this you can make referrals and get 20% of their earnings. You can earn from witout having your own blog. You can share your links on facebook, twitter and youtube etc.
So if you are facing problems in earning from blogging and google adsence you can join and start earing from today. You can join from clicking here. After joining and sign in you can shrink your links and url's easily. I am also using adf.lyto earn money. There are a lot of tricks of generating clicks on your shrinked links that can be used. First method is that you should own your blog and offer something like videos, music , e-books, games and softwares free of cost and there links must be shrinked through This method is videly using by all over the world and providing the positive results. Second, you can upload some pictures on free hosting sites and share your link on face book and twitter. You can also upload videos in youtube and then share with others. An other method is you can create page on Facebook and twitter and offer your products through
You can use your creativity to enhance your earining. Good luck