VIA GOOGLE ADSENCE: the most fantastic and best way to earn lot of the money is Google adsense. because if we see the previous history of the rich people via google thats from adposting and advertising worker of google..many of the fraud companies in market cheat many indian peoples to say that they will earn $10,000 per month and so this many indians cheated by those companies and fraud..if you really want to earn much , as an indian i will suggest to all of you that " no invest one of any coin" to earn via internet..i completed my B.Tech (computer science and engineering) from "united college of engineering and research allahabad"i am not in any job but very much experience in this field...many of the companies need credit card and say... $1 only, $2 only, " ek cheej kahoon" --"sab saale bhikhari hain."now a days i am doing from KIT a student , and i love india.. so i can not see any cheater companies to cheet my indian family....
1.Create a website and advertise on it.. via google: if you really want to earn money and think, so you can go any of the registered IT company and first give the order to make your website according to you.. it just only for RS: 2000/- to 3000/- "include all of the registration through authorized domain host registration....".and than you show your website to google adsence and when it approved , your google adsence account is active and .. via your google account you can copy paste the advertise link to your website and it will show on your website if any one click on this the amount will be paid to you from google..
2.From SURVEYS:many of the survey companies in india but i think one of the company that pays me that is http//: every week you will find two survey that will pay you 1000 Rs/- i am not suggest you because the reg fees is 11000/- that is not a bit... for every indian
3.From simply you can free register in this site and simply you search your interested topic and rate those articles that will be paid to you ...for this must create your paypal account, the money earned by you paid you via paypal..for the pay pal account .. you must have valid pancard.. according to the rule of income tax.... 4.Work hard and Earn: the fourth method is not cheated by anyone just work hard in your field.....and you will earn... HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.... THANK YOU RAHUL NIGAM+919307935293KANPUR(UP)INDIA