This information actually came from my ebook that I am now offering for free download at Easy Share. This great product shows you how to make money online in 100 different ways. These ways are seperated into different categories to help you get a better choice of how you want to make money online.
1. Azoogleads- Azoogleads is a division of epic advertising. It is a performance basead network focused on direct response advertising and CPA. Their network consistsof over 40,000 affiliates. Azoogleads is the flagship affiliate company.2. Regnow- an industry leader in affiliate marketing. Regnow has been around formany years and has earned the trust of millions of people. They are one of the largestcompanies with the most affiliates. Commissions are up to 75%. Payments arerequired to get a registration key for this website.3. Crispads- Access to over sic thousand advertisers in their pay per click program. Youget to choose the advertiser that best suits you.4. Blogads- The average blogger makes anywhere from $50 to $5,000 a month byselling blog ads. To participate for this program, you need to get sponsored bysomeone in their network.5. Vibrant Media- You get paid to offer in-text contextual based advertisements.This isa great way to make money online. A great alternativ e to the traditional adadvertisement.6. Digital River's One Network Direct- a fast growing affiliate program on the internet.Although payments are relatively low, you can earn a good amount of money if yougenerate more sales and get a loyal customer base.7. Targetpoint- Contextually and search targeted pay per click ads. Get paid a goodamount of money by hosting ads.8. Qumana- Embeded ads directly into your blog posts allows you to make moneyonline. Ads are generated from keywords that you decide to use. Although its notpopular with readers, you can bring them into this site and earn a large sum ofmoney online.9. Thankyoupages- Not as popular as any other program on the list, this allowsThankyoupages to pay at a higher rate than the other programs. Thankyoupagesgenerates some of the highest returns.10.Liquidweb- Liquid web has aj affiliate program. Ads are displayed are not as"creative" as other sites, but they pay a good amount of money for advertising them.11.Maxbounty- Ma xbounty earns you money from advertising sponsors on a pay forperformance basis. The site has both in house managed campaigns for you toadvertise, and merchants wanting direct relationships with you. Beyond one of theindustry's best and unique reporting systems.12.Leader Market- Leader Market is an affiliate program that lets you make somemoney online. They call it a little side money, and it really is. Its not as good of a siteas other, more well known affiliate programs online, so don't expect to earnthousands of dollars with this particular affiliate program.13.Gamestop-Gamestop now has an affiliate program that everyone can use. This is agood thing because Gamestop is probably the most trusted gaming company in theworld today. You sell their products in exchange for a commission per sell.14.Clickbank- Clickbank is the worlds largest digital marketing place. Although it isnot free to sell your own products, you are able to affiliate yourself with other sellersonline and e arnup to 75% commission per sell.15.Admob- Admob is a mobile affiliate program that allows you to generate incomeusing your own online mobile website. Admob specializes in these websites so itsvery easy to earn money online using this program.16.Friendfinder-An affiliate program with a porn site. Want to know how much moneythat could generate. Considering that most of Americans watch pornography,chances of getting paid from this is great. You can have your very own website. Forthose who have pornography websites, you are in luck because most programs don'twork with adult content. Therefore, there is a program for every type of website.17.Adbrite- This is everyone else's alternative to Google Adsense. This affiliateprogram utilizes text link ads and have a very nice look to them.18.Kontera- Using Kontera can bring in the big bucks. This affiliate program usestechnology that makes ads and advertisements come to the eyes of people better.19.Amazon- With thousands of products on their website, there are categories for everytype of website. You can earn a good amount of money using this service.20.Joanna Angel Bucks- This site appeals to those who have a thing for punk rockergirls. The audience for this type of attraction is high, placing you on the grid for apotentially great amount of buyers.21.Nicheshop- This has three different types of stores that you can advertise. Whateverstore suits you or your website, you can advertise the products in that particularstore.22.Markethealth- affiliate program that sells health products.23.Buydvdporn- This is a site that allows you to create your own porn store, sellingproducts available to you.24.Hunkmoney- A gay site that earn you 60% commission per sell25.Triba Fusion- They offer reliable payments, free ad serving technology, a dedicatedaccount manager and up to date, real time reporting, with a 55% payout. In order touse this program, you must go through an approval process first.26.Pheedo- You earn money to monetize your RSS feeds with this program. In case youare using multiple forms of RSS services, you can ultimately earn an outstandingamount of money by using this service with those RSS feed services that do notallow Google Adsense (which is most of them).27.Bidvertiser- Display text ads on your site and advertisers bid for placement. You canearn a great amount of money with this website.28.ValueClick Media- With this website, you get paid to display ads through banners,pop unders, and rich media. (Pop unders are not recommended, for they will drawtraffic away)29.AdGenta- Monetize your site by placing ads anywhere you can add a picture. Thatcan be very useful, because many sites that can be used allow pictures.30.Commission Junction- Promote advertisers products and services. In return for thesepromotions, you earn a commission on leads or sales.31.Link Connector- Link Connector is an affiliate marketing network that offers a zerotolerance fraud policy to keep you safe w hile conducting business.32.Lead Pile-Lead Pile is an affiliate program that lets you generate and sell trade leadsto the highest bidder. Bidding is very high, so you may earn a lot of money.33.Forex Affiliate- Forex is an affiliate program that lets you earn commissions fromtrading Forex (currency exchange) online.34.AdPlosion- Earn revenue by selling leads, clicks and products from their advertisers.Also runs an incentive points program in addition to your commissions.35.Affiliate Future-An affiliate program that pays you for generating leads, sales andclicks.36.Associated Content allows you to write and get paid for it.Some of the listed jobs pay little, while others may pay a good amount of money foryou to write about. Its basically up to you to what you want to write about. This issomewhat of a professional website. Your writing must meet the criteria ofAssociated Content.37.Demand This website posts topics that its registered users c an writeabout and earn some extra income in their pockets online. They place these articleson websites such as Ehow. Typically, they will pay about $15 for each article youwrite. They pay you quickly at each weeks end. Sometimes they may run a little lateor you may not receive any money if you have not published any content whichwould allow you to make any money online during that week. The articles that areneeded to be written are easy to write. You can only create 10 projects at a About doesn't always hire people, but if you are one of those fortunatepeople that are, then you are in for some serious income. You write articles aboutthings that people want to know about, thats why the site is called About. Theaverage minimum payments made online using About are around $700 per monthwithin the first 2 years of being a member of this website.Those who have beenmembers for longer are reduced to a minimum of $500 per month, depending onhow good your work is. S ome people have reported making over $2,000 per Daily article is a new article web site. It shows many similaritiesto Unlike Constant content, they take out 20% of yourearnings compared to constant contents 35%. One thing about this web site is thatyou give away the full rights to articles or writing material that you have created.That means once you sell your writing, you cant resell it again because you have nocopyright over it Review Stream pays you to write reviews. Essentially, youmay review anything that you feel like. The minimum rate per article is usually$1.50 per review that you write. The results change on how you do on your reviews.You must meet minimum requirements on your reviews to make any money. Theminimum payout through PayPal is $ This site usually pays people $3 per 300 word blog/post forbeginners and $4 per post after completion of the 90 day probationary perio d. Thatsa really easy way to make money. You can write about anything that you put yourheart to. Nothing gets excluded at this web site. This is the easiest way to earnmoney online because there arent any set topics available This web site uses blogs for income. You make a blog and youplace it to this web site. Not sure how it works but the posts that you place on thatblog could be worth in between $20 and $200 per Suite101 is a professional writing web site for the experiencedwriters. Mistakes are not tolerated here, so for those who arent good at writingshouldnt come to this web site. You are required to offer a sample article as a littletaste of what you can do for This is a site based on knowledge. If you know a lot about a particularsubject, then you should come here to try and earn some money. They allow you torequest topics to write about, so if you do not want to write about something that thisweb site may offer, you can request a topic thats more suitable for you. They alsoallow you to win journalism rewards, making you more recognizable in the writingcommunity. They offer writing competitions that offer cash prizes ranging from $10to $120. Its a great way for someone to earn a good amount of As the name of this web site suggests, you are a ghostwriterwho is waiting for someone to purchase your writing. Besides the fact that the website is surrounded by Google Adsense ads, its a pretty good way to earn Word firm is one of those experienced web sites that have beenaround for years. This web site is looking for experienced writers, copyeditors, andgraphic designers. The writing for this web site is very strict and could betroublesome for those who havent mastered the art of Hubpages is my personal favorite site to write for. There aredifferent types of writers (they call us hubbers). There are regular writers, and thenthere are flagship writers. A regular writer doesnt get paid to write, but earn moneybased on page impressions and affiliate programs. Flagship writers get paid inbetween $25 and $40 per article (hub) they publish. They also get to use affiliateprograms like any other writer on the site. Flagship writers have a limit of 30flagship hubs per month. There are four different available affiliate programs thatwork with Hubpages. You could use Amazon, Ebay, Kontera, and Google Adsense.Thats 4 different strings of income, not to mention the money earned fromHubpages itself. The article writing is very creative. They allow you to place images,news, rss feeds, and videos into your written content to better explain Triond allows you to write articles and earn money based on pageimpressions. You do not get a flat payment for every article you publish. The moreimpressions you get, the more money you will xomba is a free community where you can earn money to write. Its afree community. Something like a forum site mixed with a chat site. You makefriends, write, and make comments, share ideas, and get paid, that This site is similar to hubpages. It offers capsules that allow you topost images, videos, and written content on pages and earn money from pageimpressions.51.Mashable- Mashable is a site that lets you write and earn money, based on techblogs. It is one of the largest directories for tech bloggers on the internet today.52.Blogfeast- Blogfeast, as the name suggests, allows you to eat from your blog(figurative for make money). You write blog posts and you earn revenue from preinstalledGoogle Adsense ads in your posts. Of course this means that you will notbe earning 100% of the Adsense profits from your posts, but bringing in a goodamount of readers will help you earn a good amount of money online.53.BOTW- Standing for best of the web, this blog directory allo ws you to makemoney posting blogs for their blog network.54.Dewitts Media- Dewitts Media allows you to make money by writing your ownblog. You must have a minimum page rank of 3 to participate.55.Daytipper- Daytipper lets you make money for every short tip you write and getpublished. The average amount per tip is $3.56.Blogburner- At Blogburner, you can earn money by making your own blog. Yousign up for your own blog and make money through adsense clicks.57.Digital Journal- Get paid to write newsworthy articles58.Weblogs- You can make money by applying to blog for any of their ninety plusblogs or submit your very own topic idea. They pay you per post that you write butyou must meet their minimum post requirements.59.Payperpost- Get paid around $500 a month writing articles and reviews of theirsponsors on your blog.60.Blogsvertise- Their advertisers pay you to mention and talk about their websites,products and services in your own blog.61.Reviewme- After your blog has been ac cepted in their network, they will pay youaround $20 to $200 per post that you write.62.Smorty- At Smorty, you can earn $6 to $100 dollars per post you write on your blog.The amount paid for each post depends on the overall popularity and page rank ofyour blog.63.SponsoredReviews- Write reviews for their advertisers products and services onyour own blog. They charge a 35% transaction fee for their services64.LoudLaunch- You get paid to blog about advertisers campaign releases that meetyour interests. They pay you once a month65.Blogitive- On Blogitive you get paid every week via Paypal for posting stories thatinterest you.66.InBlogAds- Write about websites, products, services and companies and get paid forit.67.WordFirm- Using WordFirm can earn some good money. You make moneypublishing books as a freelance writer from home.68.Creative Blogging- Creative Blogging, you write 7 to 10 posts per week for theirnetwork and they will pay you around $225 per month69.Blog To Profit- M ake $250 dollars or more by writing posts on your blog.70.451Press- Write for a blog thats in their network and receive about 40% of allgenerated revenue.71.Didn't feel like categoring these websites, so I label these as "other".72.Platform-a- Also known to some as, it allows you to earn moneyfrom your digital inventory.73.Constant-Content- You get paid to write and publish. Basically, people place bids onhow much they are willing to pay for the help of Constant-content's members, andthe publisher decides in between the set bid price.74.Mahalo Greenhouse- At Mahalo, they pay you $10 to $15 per site you submit totheir directory. Its a great way to earn money online and get recognized.75.Ether- Ether makes you money by answering questions for your peers over thephone. You get to set your rates and call availability.76.JustAnswer- Help others solve their problems and earn money for your knowledge77.Google User Research- Google pays you money to participate in th eir user researchstudies online.78.BitWine- Get paid to give advice and answer questions for people, on subjects ofyour interests and choice79.Craigslist- This site allows you to find temporary work. You get paid to do a varietyof things. Its beginning to be a scamming site, so I recommend using PayPal.80.Vizu Answers- Vizu Answers lets you place surveys and polls on your site and earnmoney when people participate in your campaign.81.Resellers Panel- This site lets you build your very own webhosting business. Youutilize the services that they provide to you and you can build your very own storeand earn money for everyone who pays for your hosting campaigns. You can createyour very own price on your hosting plans and the site editor is simple (not verydetailed though).82.YouTube- Once you have obtained enough video views on your videos, you canapply for Google Adsense to place on your videos. This allows you to receive a greatamount of page impressions and possibly get thousa nds of clicks, earning youthousands of dollars.83.Ulinkx- Unlike YouTube, you don't have to meet the requirements to use GoogleAdsense. You can use videos from YouTube, Metacafe, Myspace, and more. Gainrevenue from clicks.84.Break- A site where people upload videos. If your videos shows up on the homepage, you could win up to $2,00085.The Following are affiliate that have you sell travel packages86.Travelocity87.Priceline88.Best Flights89.Travel Grove90.Hotels airport parking92.a better stay93.all car rent a center94.all terrains afaris95.uniline96.rental affiliate pro98.rui99.GC Flight100.epoque hotels