Put you more in harmony with your own body and mind and so, make you a better partner. Help you cultivate and maintain emotional and physical states. Keep you fit and healthy so that you're more able. ;) Allow you to get into some very interesting positions! Not to mention all those ancient secrets locked inside the hundreds of positions of the Kama Sutra! (They're not so mysterious nor are they unattainable, so we'll definitely get to them. ;) ) So this is a series of articles that will help you use yoga toward, not only for some great sex, but also for a better relationship. What I'll show you are a series of things you can do for yourself, as general practices, plus things you can do with your partner. Some of these practices are specifically about sexual goals you may have. Others are more general, having an overall effect on you and on your relationship. These practices become a foundation for building a great relationship and have just plain great sex. You will be ab le to do many of these things even if your partner isn't interested in learning along with you. And some things are about both of you practicing together. The first thing I like to point out is that people generally get what they focus on. If you think orgasms are important, then orgasms generally becomes what your sex is about. If you think you want sex to be about developing your relationship, then that tends to be what you try to use it for. Trouble comes when the partners are trying to use sex for different, conflicting goals. So women often complain that guys just go for that climax. Men get frustrated that women make it all so complicated. In these articles, I'll give you a series of practices that can take you out of that conflict. A good place to start is to understand what your purpose is for any given sexual encounter or for the exercises you are doing at the moment. Sometimes sex can be about having a thrilling finish. Sometimes it can be about developing your rel ationship. Sometimes, you can do yoga practices that simply increase your awareness of each other. Sometimes you can practice your general mindfulness or build your ability to cultivate your state of mind. Since yoga is about union of all aspects of your life, there are things you can do throughout your day, touching on all areas of your life, that can make sex great. These articles will break the exercises down into the following kinds of areas: Things you can do for your own sexuality. Things you can do for your partner's sexuality. Things you and your partner can do to cultivate the sexual rapport between you. Things you can do in your overall life that will also improve your personal sexuality. Things you and your partner can do throughout the day that will improve your general rapport. (This, naturally, spills over into the bedroom.) That means some of these exercises will be very sexual, while some won't seem sexual at all. But it all adds up. :D You just have to pay a ttention to what you're doing at the moment, knowing that, over time, your sex life will get better and better. Description This article is from the series of articles on Yoga and Sexuality, written by Corinne Friesen, the author of "Hurry Up - Relax!" and author of audioyoga.com where you can find a lot of information about yoga. This is a routine for your own yoga practice. It does not require your partner. Instead, it's meant to give you time to develop your rapport with your own body & mind. It will also develop strength and flexibility in key areas. You'll get the best results if you practice this routine 3 - 4 times a week. If you don't have time for that, try doing little bits of the routine throughout the day, whenever you have a minute. For that, the postures that are grouped together on a line of the page make great mini-routines. Of course, this doesn't mean you can't enlist your partner's help! Bumping It Up a Notch Consider practicing in the nude. If you're not used to it, this can be distracting at first, but, over time it can make you feel much more 'at home' in your body. This feeling of naturalness while naked will transfer into more freedom and comfortableness in the bedroom. Consider letting your partner watch you do your routine sometimes. It'll keep your practice from getting boring and it will peak their interest in doing yoga, (and in doing other things!) This can be especially enticing if it's done with the understanding that it's 'look but don't touch!' But, hey, if it does end up there, yoga teaches us to also 'go with the flow'! Encouragement Don't worry about how your body looks. We all have lumps and bumps where we wish there weren't any, and we're all missing curves and lumps where we wish there were some! Your partner is not going to care! They'll love the chance to enjoy your workouts! They'll love that you're doing more and more to make your love life great! If you're doing your yoga and start feeling unhapp y about the way you look, simply notice the feeling, take a nice, slow breath in and go back to paying attention to the stretch and to your breathing. How to Get the Most out of the Following Routine Notice how your body relaxes as you breathe out, which will allow you to stretch a little farther. Do not stretch so much that you feel burning or pain. If you feel like your body has hit a concrete wall, then you're at your limit. When you get to that point, simply breathe and feel your body relaxing for a couple more breaths, then let the posture go. Relax completely in between repetitions, feeling your muscles letting go of the stretch, feeling them relaxing. The full routine will take about an hour. Meditation on Your Breathing This is a basic meditation that will help your ability to simply sit and notice feelings without doing anything about them. With practice, you will be more able to sustain your sexual energy during love making and will be more able to build your sexua l desire during a session. As a result, you will have more rich experiences - and stronger orgasms. :D By Yourself Where & When to Do This Any time, anywhere you have a moment. Best place is in a quiet spot where you'll be undisturbed for 5 - 20 minutes. Best time is in the morning - but any time is good. The Meditation Sitting comfortably or lying down. Be in a position where your body will feel least inclined to move. If you're lying down, have your arms by your sides with a little space between your body and your arms. If you're sitting, your arms can be resting loosely in your lap, elbows slighltly open. Have your face & chin pointing forward, so that your air passages are fully open. Eyes are open and relaxed, not looking at anything in particular. Once you are settled into place, all you need to do is pay attention to your breath as it comes and goes. As you breathe in, hear the air rushing into your head, feel your body opening up. As you breathe out, follow t he breath out into the room. Do this for however long you have. 3 - 5 minutes is a good start. If you become comfortable with 3 - 5 minutes, increase the duration 1 minute at a time. Encouragement During this meditation, it's very common for people to have feelings and thoughts come up. You might notice a flood of emotions start to rise up, or your mind might start to race. Many people start to feel slightly irritated with the exercise, or they start to feel 'ant-sy'. This is OK and is a sign that the meditation is going normally and is working. It shows that your mind is starting to relax, and as it is relaxing you are starting to let go of thoughts and feelings that you have been keeping 'a lid on'. The remedy for this is to simply notice the thoughts and feelings and let them go by breathing in and out. Draw a slow breath in, noticing the air flow in, noticing how your body opens up - and you'll refocus and be back into the meditation. If you can continue, you will eventu ally find that these feelings subside and you reach a deeper state of meditation. The benefit to your life is that it makes you very patient and trains you to enjoy the moment. With Your Partner There are some wonderful variations on this meditation if you want to do it with your partner. With any of these, you may sometimes find your breathing ends up being synchronized. If you are aware of your energy bodies, you might also notice that these exercises start synchronizing your energy bodies, so that the rhythms, flow and colours begin to be in harmony with each other. When that happens, it's very beautiful. Here are three variations of this meditation that are lovely to do with your partner: 1. Simply practice together, in the same room, each of you paying attention to your own breathing. 2. Sitting, facing each other, do the meditation by paying attention to your partner's breathing. You may find it hard to keep your attention on your partner's breath. If your mind wanders , that's OK, just bring your attention back to the exercise. 3. Both of you lie down, curl up in 'the Spoon' position, facing the same direction, one partner snuggled up behind the other, like two spoons in a drawer. Decide ahead of time how long you will do the meditation and if it is or is not allowed to go farther into sexual exploration. Decide ahead of time if you will be paying attention to your own breathing or to your partners', or if you're going to start with yourself and later shift to noticing your partner's breath. Then simply notice the breath as it comes and goes, the movement of your bodies, the sounds, the feel of the breath on your skin. (This is one of my favourite practices! It feels very gentle and it can strongly increase your awareness of each other.) This is a gentle way of becoming more in tune with each other. It can have a delicious side effect of bringing up sexual feels and intensifying them, especially for the person who's belly is being felt. T his will work best if you don't 'work' on it leading to sex, but simply notice what feelings come up and enjoy them as they flow over you.