2012年3月17日 星期六

Business start up grants

If your thinking of starting a business or you're a small business owner, money is probably your biggest concern. Most business owners wonder if there is any funding available for starting up. the answer to that question of whether there is any funding available is yes, although, getting the funding that is available is a rather stressful and complicated process.

When your on the verge of setting up your business, there are countless schemes that you can take full advantage of. The schemes are designed so that it can encourage business growth so it can create jobs.

Here Is a list of the different type of grants you could be entitled to:

Direct grant

This grant is available For activities such as training, employment and capital investment projects

Repayable grants

In this scheme cash funding is offered for a project with the intention that the cash is paid out of future revenues. However, the main part of this grant is that if the project fails, the grant is written off completely with no risk to yourself.

Soft loan

A soft loan is a special type of grant where the terms and conditions of repayment are softer than they would be under normal financial circumstances. So, for example, the interest rates may be less, or there may be no interest to pay at all, and the repayment terms could also be for a longer period, depending on your financial situation.

Equity finance

With equity finance a capital sum is injected into the business and the provider of the funds takes an equity share of the enterprise and when the value of the business increases the cash that was injected can then be returned. However, unlike venture capitalists, the expectations and requirements of the providers of public funds are usually less demanding, thus giving less experienced business men less to worry about.

Access to resources

it can be the case that small firms do not posses the physical resources or facilities they need in order to develop particular projects. In the same way there are a number of initiatives that can help overcome these concerns by providing access to publicly owned facilities.

So as you can see there are several different types of grants available to the business owners out there today looking to start up or expand, the trick is picking the right grant for your circumstances and then having a good enough reason for needing the grant so that you can then be given the grant, as I said earlier, it's getting the grant that is the complicated part


