Ask any single people you know about how hard it is to meet members of the opposite sex and most of them will tell you I dont have the time! For a lot of singles, the bar scene is not an option and outside of traditional meeting places or the neighbor lady who fancies herself as something of a matchmaker, singles have few options, no matter what race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. As a result, a wide range of online dating sites have sprung up on the Internet which cater to <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/718466']);" href="">Arab online dating</a>, Latino online dating, white online dating, black online dating, sites for <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/718466']);" href="">Muslim Singles</a>, Arab Christian singles, and other ethnic dating sites which cater to singles of specific faiths and ethnicities. Online dating literally opens a global opportunity for singles to seek out and find their soul mate. At the end of the day, no matter what language is spoken at home or which day of the week we gather to practice our faith, we all want the same thingsomeone to love and share our life with.
Attraction is a truly personal and profoundly elusive concept to describe to anyone else except in the broadest terms. Its a spark that begins with a glance or handshake that lingers just a half-beat longer than usual or a chance encounter that allows us to see a tiny glimpse of someones true self. In that moment, we just intrinsically know that person may be right for us. The heart wants what it wants. But what if that person is from a different ethnic group, practices a different faith, or challenges the traditional values of our friends and family?
Dating outside of cultural boundaries usually presents far more challenges for women than men. Women all over the world are all too familiar with this paradox. Even in todays society where traditional barriers of socially acceptable dating practices are dissolving, women still face enormous pressure to date men with similar backgrounds.
Cultural Challenges of Dating Outside Cultural Boundaries
Women who date men from other cultures often experience a wide range of obstacles and considerations, including:
Parental and Cultural Disapproval
Cultural Disapproval at Traditional Celebrations
Peer Pressure from Some Friends
Awkward and Uncomfortable Family Gatherings
Many women will tell you that those are the least of their concerns, especially those in some parts of the world who face risks that are far greater.
Personal Challenges of Dating Outside Cultural Boundaries
On a personal level, each woman who dates outside her cultures traditional boundaries must wrestle with challenges that are as unique as she is. She must ask herself a series of questions that address whether she is ready to:
Step Up and Embrace Her Individuality
Be a Catalyst for Change in Her Culture and Her Community
Defy Tradition to Be Happy and Lead a Fulfilling Life with This Man
Risk Strained Relation ships with Some Friends and Family Members
There is no right answer to these and other questions. Like life itself, we make choices and then live with the consequences of those choices. No matter which choices we make and the associated consequences, the decision to live a happy life is always the best one. In lifes quiet moments when theres no one else around, there are no cultural barriers. There is only you and this other soul and the knowing smiles you share are all that matters.