2013年10月21日 星期一

SEO Consultant- Impact of Google Instant Search - Internet

What is Google Instant Search?To explain it in simple words "Google Instant is the search which attempts to predict your search queries as you start typing your keyword".Depending on the search query Google Instant will start predicting your all possible queries which will consist of paid advertisements/sponsored listings on the top followed by the search listings based of Universal searches which are based on the Google place results. Sometimes the Google Instant Search is also known as Google Predictive Search.Role of Google Instant Search in SEOWith the Google instant in action the importance of getting top rankings in search engines have become more important than ever. Users are less likely to scroll the page from top to down and on the subsequent page it's a crime to think he is going to look for the query. If the results don't match the user's he will simply press the backspace key and start retyping the query.Before this change, users used to type the search query, checked the results, if unsatisfied would refine the search and then repeated the process until they found the most relevant document they were looking for. Users also used to crawl don the page also sometimes visited page 2 in case of need.We have noticed a big change in human behavior as fundamentally a user is going to click on the webpage ranking at position 1 and 2 then on position 3 and 4. So it has become a must for the web pages nothing less than position 1 and 2.This has resulted into ringing the alarm of the SEO tactics to change. Earlier 'On page' improvement would have been enough to rank on top of the SERP but now we have to spend a good time working on the 'Off page' factors such as doing Bookmarking, Article writing, Blog posting and other 'Off page' techniques.Google Instant search and Long-Tail keywordsAs we have studied that achieving top ranking has become more important than ever as if the few top results don't match the users expectations he is going to reconfigure his search query instantly. Perhaps we have noticed the biggest impact of Google long-tail searches on the long-tail keyword searches this consists of both the long as well as multiword search terms.Let's understand it by an example, let's say a user wants to search for SEO Company Dublin, but as soon as he types SEO he sees below and paid add by an SEO company, than you can think the effect of the predictions on the user's behavior, he is definitely going to click on them as it's a human behavior? Will he complete his search query? No, is the answer to it.What I would say is you should keep on targeting the long keyword trails but before that first of all you must target the small keywords in terms of your SEO strategy as they are going to be targeted more than long keyword trails.


