2012年2月28日 星期二

Craving for a Brain Tumour ? or What Is In Energy Drinks ?

If I would have to come up with a commercial for energy drinks, my sales pitch would sound something like this :

This article contains over 30 links to medical studies and videos. Please read it here with links. ( This service allows me to publish only 3 links ) .

"Are you craving for achemical that eats holes in your brain? Is your life boring and you are in need of adeath from asudden heart attack?Do you like spending money onfixing cavities in you mouthand would loveto join the growing number of people withcardiovascular diseases?

If this is sounds like you then - get your energy drink today! Itwill provideall those things that you are dreaming about and much more! If you call now, we will include free brochure with the list of best doctors that will provide future drugs just for you for above mentioned diseases. CALL NOW !!!

While this might sound like a joke - everyjokehas some parts of truth in it. I used to be a heavy Red Bull drinker and I started noticing somestrangethings that were happening with my body: itching in the face, flushing of the skin etc. I decided to research theingredientsof a drink and see what it is....I was astonished to what I found.

The long-term influen ce of an artificial stimulant like an energy drink will be detrimental to your overall health,be aware thatpeople do die from energy drinks.Energy drinksshould not beusedwhen exercising as fluid loss from sweating and the diuretic activity of caffeine can cause severe dehydration. It is dangerous to consume energy drink before playing sports - itmay increase your risk of having aheart attack or stroke.

Next study concludedthatone hourafterconsuming Red Bull energy drink, healthy young people developed symptomsnormally associated with cardiovascular disease.Energydrinks wouldcausethe blood to become sticky, impairing proper blood vessel functions and possibly lifting the risk of blood clotting.

However for example Red Bullencourages consumption while playing sports as it increases and improves performance, vigilance, reaction speed and concentration.

Thirsty for an energy drink? Have you ever wondered what are theingredientsof one ?

Let's takeRed Bullfor example. It containstaurine,glucuronolactone,caffeine,Bvitamins,sucrose, andglucose. Yes, it is bunch of words. You are thinking -vitamins are good.The rest ofingredients....well you justify thatgovernmentkeepsan eye on those things...

So what is in energy drinks ? Are there any side effects from consuming them? Well, let's take a look.

If you love Red Bull Sugar Free ....then you need to know what makes it sugar free...

Please welcome our guest - our firstingredient is ....aspartame.

You may want toread the whole page I devoted to aspartameif you have not done so . You may want to bookmark this page so you can come back later. What is really funny - hereRussian TV channel on March 2011 featured the story onAspartameand braintumours.They also had excerpt from an american documentary on Donald Ramsfield - who helped to approve Aspartame. How come they know that itdestroys brain and we do not?

Back to our "favourite" firstingredient...

1.Aspartame chemical(hencesugar free). Chemical?Yes. Of course. Itwas determined to be a dangerous chemical as early as the 1960s. Over the past 30 years, aspartame has been identified as a carcinogen, a chemical that eats holes in brain tissue. (Approved by our chemical-friendly F DA.)

It is somewhat strange how Red Bull describes their Sugar Free Energy Drink "has been developed for people who want to have a clear and focused mind."I think that Red Bull really hopes that energy drinkers will readingredients onlyafter their brain isrottenand they will not be able to comprehend such information anyway.

So let's take a look at what else is inside that energy drink with "coolappealing" label. My grandfather has taught me long time ago thatappearancecouldbe deceitful.

2. Glucuronolactone. All right. You say:It is a metabolite of glucose naturally occurring in the human body.
OK. So it is not bad, right?

Red Bull states on their website that glucuronolactone in Red Bull issyntheticallyproduced...What means synthetical ? It meansartificially. It's fake. Scientists can chemically reproduce sea water (synthetically) but when you put fish in this synthetic sea water - they die... My friend don't make mistake - there is a life-supporting difference betweennaturalandsynthetic. Your body is natural, so try not to putsyntheticthings in it.

Now onRussian version of the Red Bull website iningredientssection they don't mention that it's producedsynthetically- that is because Russia does not have the law in place that requires to disclose....You see - they usually list only what is legally required...so energy drinks companies hide theinconvenienttruth :)< br />
3.Taurineis anotheringredientthat most energy drinks contain.Taurine in Red Bull is produced syntheticallybypharmaceutical companies. Yes - yourfavouritepharmacutical companies that will produce drugs later to "manage" your diseases :) Are you starting to understand?

There are no intensive studies on the combined effect of taurine and caffeine on humans.Rats fed taurine exhibitedbizarrebehavioursuch as anxiety, irritability and high sensitivity to noise.

France in 2008 has ended atwelve year ban on the sale of the Red Bull energy drinkbecause of theTaurineingredient. It was briefly banned inmuch of Germanyand inTaiwan.In july 2011 The Chechen governmenthasbanned the sale of Red Bull and other similar energy drinks. (prohibits sales to minors)

3.B Vitamins- You say :Vitamins are good!!!Of course they are.B vitamins are found in a variety of naturalfood sources such as eggs, turkey, tuna, bananas and potatoes.

Let's take a look at the label of the energy drink and see hownaturalthey are... For example Red Bull listsNiacin, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. Great.

You might wonder how to distinguish the difference between natural andsyntheticviamin.

Generally speaking,youcanidentify natural by reading the label and finding a listed"food" sourcesuch as citrus, yeast,fish, vegetable, etc. If achemical is listedor the sourceis blank, it issynthetic. Let's refer to the label. So if says B6 Vitamin - it meanssynthetic(thesourceis not there). If it says Pyridoxine Hydrochoride (another name for B6)- it is synthetic.

Niacin-is found in variety ofnaturalfoods, including li ver, chicken, beef, fish, cereal,peanutsand legumes. It does not say thesourceon the Red Bull label -syntactical.
Pharmacological doses of niacin (1.5 - 6 g per day) occasionally leadto side effects that can include dermatological conditions such as skin flushingand itching,dry skin....Oh sothat is why my skin was itchingwhen I would drink Red Bull. Ok.

B 12 Vitamin -a commonsyntheticform of thevitamin,cyanocobalamin, does not occur in nature, but is used in many pharmaceuticals and supplements, and as a food additive, because of its stability and lower cost. Howconvenient:)

Pantothenic Acid-Dcalciumpantothenate -is a synthetic substance made from pantothenic acid.Pantothenic acid is not known to be toxic in humans. The onlyadverse effect noted was diarrhea resulting from very high intakes of 10 t o 20 grams/day of calcium D-pantothenate.

4.Caffeinespeeds along your urination cycle, extracting calcium from your body . That is howyou develop osteoporosis.
Caffeine in Red Bull issynthetically produced. You can read it on their official website.

Caffeinedependency is the physiologicaladdiction.Caffeineworks by blocking the chemical that makes you naturally drowsy.Itincreases dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is one of the chemicals responsible for feeling happy.Now you know why you feel that crave for an energy drink. :)

As caffeine dependency grows, however, resistance to the effects of caffeine results in the need to take in greater amounts to achieve the same stimulating effect ( let me have two energy drinks today).At this dependency stage energydrink users might experience side effects likeindigestion,sleep disorders, nervousness, muscle twitches and irritability.

Once the "temporary boost" wears off, your brain suddenly starts to recognize adenosine and a sudden mental sluggishness comes. That is where you get your "crash". Your heart racing is unhealthy. Sleep is affected because the internal effects of caffeine aren't over when the "high" is.

Caffeine withdrawal starts very quickly, anywhere from 12 to 24 hours after your last use. That's a big part of why thatfirst energy drink (coffee etc) in the morning is so importantit's staving off the early effects of withdrawal. The reasons for the withdrawal are the same as with any substance dependency (like cigarettes). Headaches are the nearly universal effect of cutting off caffeine, butdepression, fatigue, lethargy, irritability, nausea, and vomitingcan be part of your cut-off, too, along with more specific issues, like eye muscle spasms...

Is it true that mixing energy drink with vodka is bad for you ?
Alcohol can be twice as da ngerous when mixed with an Energy drink, according to a studypublished byWake Forest University School of Medicine.Caffeine andalcoholhave theoppositeeffect-caffeinemakes you excited, and the alcohol is a depressant. Thus, the effectof these two substances,leading toa heavy loadon the heart and may cause liverfailure.

3 people in Sweden died after mixing Red Bull and vodka. The articlestates that definiteconnectionwas not established between the deaths and Red Bull.Of course theconnectionwas not established.

Thisconnectionis somewhat similar to the page on CDC's website titled "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Vaccines".On this page CDC explains thatfrom 2 to 4 months old, babies begin their primary course of vaccinations. This is alsothe peak age for sudden infant death syndrome(SIDS). CDC says that the timing of these two events has led some people to believe t hey might be related (decide for yourself) However, studies have concluded that vaccinations are not a risk factor for SIDS."

So, there you have it folks, studies financed by vaccine manufacturers concluded that vaccines produced by same manufacturers are not atriskfactor.OK. I got it , Thank you :) You canread my article titledCentrefor Disease Control is getting ready for zombie attacks.

5.Glucose(sugar) Energy drinks contain lots of sugar! For instance a can of Red Bull contains 27 grams of sugar. Consumingenergydrinks leads to increased risk of getting diabetesaccording to the study conducted in 2011.The sugar in energy drinks causes insulin spikes which later result in a "crash like" feeling.

I am not going to list everyingredientin the Red Bull, my work is hopefully to inspire you to do your own research not only with energy drinks - with everything. Please do notfoolyourself that you can get energy fro m chemicals. It is short lived and will catch up with you in a long run.

So, there we have it : the ultimate recipe for an energy drink - mix chemicals withsyntheticvitamins, add some artificialflavoursandcoloursand there you have it. Enjoy your drink :)

This article is not about energy drinks. It is about your responsibility. Here is the time for a question.... what else is out there that you do not know ? That is the real question ...

Do you know that there are12 cancer cure documentaries available on this web site alone? It makes me sad to sit here and find all these information just to see Lady Gaga got another 1 million hits on her website and I got 2 more people that visited today :) Our society is sick and we are doomed to self destruction?.... Why is there no TV coverage oncancer cured patients in Gerson Instituteand others? This3 minute video that I made will tell youwhy (it has 350 views now). Lady Gaga has more...F ootballplayers have more....How much airtime is devoted foralternative curesthat are out there?

You see, you need to start asking these questions today... And Why Lady Gaga is not singing aboutGerson Institutethat cures people from cancer? Start asking these questions -she has more exposure then I do..., next time you go to football game and you see Red Bull sponsoring the event with their commercials and saying how much they care about their community.... what can I say...start filtrating disinformation - don't let yourself be fooled...mass deception is in place...more on itin this video that I created.
My friend, If you liked this article please share with others as it might benefit them. So what isthesolution for those of us that like to get some extra energy?Buy yourself a juicerif you don't have one, addsome organic vegetables and fruits - and make yourself the best energy drink ever :)

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You maywant to read my investigation into our toothpastes:)


