2013年4月12日 星期五

What is a Fast Oxidizer?

Fast oxidation is determined by the thyroid and adrenal ratios revealing excessive activity. When a person is a fast oxidizer their whole body is affected and food is oxidized or burned at a faster-than-normal rate. Often, upon examination of ones hair analysis report a fast oxidizer is identified by the low calcium and magnesium levels in relation to the sodium and potassium levels. Some of the predominant characteristics of a fast oxidizer are: Oily skin and hair Excessive sweating Tendency for frequent or loose stools Nervous energy and/or irritability Tendency to be anxious Hypertension Extroverted Inclined to be hot Higher than normal blood sugar Weight gain in the abdomen due to higher levels of cortisone and cortisol These are just a few symptoms one may experience. What we need is proper supplementation that would control our bodys metabolism. There are natural remedies that are designed to maintain our bodys metabolic rate and keep it that way to prevent our adrenals, thyroid and other organs from malfunctioning, that will eventually result in hormonal imbalance, and lead to more issues within the body. Hormones help regulate our bodys over all function. This is amazing because through hair analysis, we can find out what minerals we are deficient of and the potential diseases we are in danger of having. Pair it with an excellent diet, appropriate for your metabolic type that is beneficial and life-improving and you can live as you should! To find out your metabolic type visit Sandy Spurling Supplements Plus services page today. Fast oxidation and diet can affect how one feels A fast oxidizer needs to consume adequate fats or oils; otherwise they can exhaust their reserves of glycogen and experience a drop in blood sugar. Fat also slows the metabolic rate and is digested slowly providing a continuous supply of energy. If one eats a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates it is like poison to them, these are absorbed quickly and can cause great fluctuations in blood sugar. Many crave sweets and carbohydrates because of the quick pick me up, but should avoid these as much as possible. Protein is also important; many fast oxidizers enjoy eating protein and feel better than following a vegetarian diet. The fattier proteins are preferred. True fast oxidizers do best on a low carbohydrate diet such as Atkins. Carbohydrates tend to be metabolized too quickly stimulating insulin production. This could lead to one experiencing hypoglycemia, weight gain, diabetes, or binge eating and cravings. If one chooses to consume complex carbohydrates they should add fi ber and eat these with fat to improve the glycemic index. To find out what your metabolic type shows please visit our web site today.


