2013年4月14日 星期日

There Are Many Creative Costume Design Ideas

The problem with some parents is their tendency to put off preparing their kids Halloween costumes at the last minute. As if Halloween costumes are something they can avoid or will avoid, especially if their kids rely on them for great costume design ideas. Theres not a parent who will deprive their children of the same fun they had when they were kids. Whether they can afford to buy a Halloween costume or simply improvise one. So why wait for the last minute to come up with the costume design ideas your kids will use this year?

Here are some great tips on how you will be able to think of a creative costume design, before the last minute starts ticking away the hours:

1. If you and your kids attend a yearly Halloween Eve celebration aside from the regular trick or treating, always take into consideration the following elements:

The location of the party; do you have to give allowance for travel time? Then you better decide on costume design ideas that are easy to put on or assemble. Otherwise, youre hands will be too tied fixing everybodys costume; youll end up with very little time to attend to yours.

The atmosphere of the party; will it be an outdoor or indoor event? A closed-in room can produce too much body heat with all the excitement and merriment going on. Make sure your kids costume designs are not too padded or too confining or theyll end up all sweaty and clammy inside. Youre sure to end up with a party spoiler begging to go home. If its an outdoor event, make sure your kids are not too flimsily or thinly covered for an outdoor setting

The set-up of the party venue; will the kids be roaming or mingling around while adults will stand most of the time? Whether outdoor or indoor, make sure your kids costume design allows for a clear vision to avoid tripping or hitting others. The bathroom facility or trips you and your kids have to make; its easy with the young ones who are wearing disposable diapers. Make sure your costume design is easy to manage for bathroom trips.

2. If youre relying on a costume shop to provide you the costume design you have in mind, place your order while they are still available. Last minute shopping leaves you with nothing but leftovers.

3. Inspect your closet and assess your available materials to think of a suitable costume design. For the younger ones, they may have a number of unused flower girl dresses which you can modify and use for a fairy tale or Barbie character. Plan the accessories you will need to give the enhancements they need like a wig, wand or wings. The young boys may have toys or clothes you can plan your costume design ideas on. Dinosaurs are for paleontologists or cavemen, or a Flintstone character like Pebbles and Bam-Bam. These are just some of the ideas you can relate to your childs toys.

4. You may have a lot of costume accessories like bangles, beads, scarves, bandanas which you can use to transform yourself into a gypsy or a pirate wench, or even use to turn your little boy into a little Captain Jack Sparrow.

5. Check out old shirts, linens and blankets and look for the latest popular characters that do not require much fashion statement in their get ups. Look for costume accessories that will complete the costume design you have chosen. Even ancient characters like Pharaohs and Greek Gods and goddesses made use of draperylike garments, all you need to do is add some costume accessories to achieve the overall effect.

Dont go with the same costume design you use every year or youll have rebels on your hands. Kids want to have fun, excitement and thrill wearing their new costume design. Wheres the excitement and thrill in wearing the same costume every year?

For more useful information, please visit our website: THE KNOWLEDGE BASE, and look for the FASHION & BEAUTY section.


