2013年3月22日 星期五

What Kind of Website Do You Need?

Whatever kind of business you are running, it is very likely that you will benefit from having some form of website. The Internet is fast replacing the phonebook as a resource for consumers. With some customer demographics this switch was completed long ago, the phonebook is languishing in the recycling bin. If you don't have an online presence then you will not be on the digital consumers' radar.

If you are considering commissioning a website then it is more than reasonable for you to feel bamboozled by all of the options and possibilities open to you. But the reality is that you can know exactly what type of website you will need by considering a few questions about the type of business that you run and the needs of your customers.

Broadly speaking, websites for businesses can be broken down into three main categories: Microsite, Brochure and e-commerce.

If you're running a small local business, perhaps a locksmiths or a caf, then it is likely that a microsite will meet the needs of both you and your customers. A microsite will typically consist of two to three pages of basic information; a homepage, contact information and an about us section. Visitors to your website will mainly be existing customers and locals who are already aware of you. They will be looking for a contact phone number, opening hours or a list of services.

If you want to stand out in a highly competitive market place such as real estate, interior design or legal services then you will probably want to consider a brochure website. There is no average size for a brochure site. They are generally bigger than a microsite and will contain a lot more information. They are used as a tool to drive sales. A brochure might contain examples of your work, testimonials from clients and a regular blog with information about your exciting new projects.

If you are going to take the time to develop a brochure website then it is worth doing well. When it comes to web marketing, New Zealand is leading the pack, and there are some good web designers with a keen grasp on methods that will ensure you are generating new business from your website. Make sure you employ one. You'll be far more likely to see returns on your investment.

Finally we come to e-commerce. Building an e-commerce website is not for the faint-hearted. It can require a significant amount of investment and will probably take far longer to implement than a microsite or a brochure. But, you are opening yourself up to a world of opportunity! If you are selling stock that is easy to post, or you are providing online services, then you will be able to reach new customers from all corners of the globe.

Talk to a knowledgeableweb development companyabout which kind of website you think would be best for you. You have to express your ideas, interests before creating your websites and also ask them about the website themes. somewebsite design companiesare providing wide ranges of website themes which will be very helpful to choose an attractive one for your Business.


