2013年3月23日 星期六

How to Produce Quality Content For Your Website?

The task of determining website content centers on the information needs of your users and the goals of your site. Before you begin to produce the content, gain a clear insight into the traits of your visitors. Why would they come to your site Is it to get information or advice or buy a product? What would be the average age of your visitors? What keywords would they use in search engines? The answers to such and other relevant questions helps you plan and build useful content.

Align the users needs with the goals of your site. If these are to give information of excellent value, think about the content types. You might want to use 3D illustrations and text. Or, you may like to engage the users with your site through demos and interactive features. In case you want to sell a product, then benefits, photos and videos and customer testimonials, among others, should standout in the content field.

Build Trust with Visitors through Relevant Content

As users land on your site with specific expectations, fulfill those with clear and straightforward content. If you want to create content, for instance, for a corporate website, serve information that makes it easy for visitors to do business with your company. Some sites immerse their content in superfluous words, excessive jargon or unattractive format. As a result, visitors are likely to move over to another site to conduct business.

The content with an excessive sales pitch can also fail to connect with the users. Take the About us page, for example. Rather than use it to highlight, for instance, the story on how the company took wings, some enterprises use it to talk much about their products and services.

Whatever be the type of site, from corporate to information to solo entrepreneur, it should match the needs of the visitors with content that is clear, concise and authentic. That way, you can enhance the credibility of your site and make the users deal with your site with confidence.

Sync Website Design and Content

If the content is of higher value and the design poorer or vice versa, then the site is on a weak foundation. Ensure the design and content of your site have a good sync to attract visitors and accomplish the goals of the site.

A simple, yet professional site is the recipe for success. The elements of the site design like the colors, menus, buttons, font type and size and white space should invite users to explore your content and site.

Today, many sites use Flash banners to convey key messages. No doubt such a design brings an exciting dimension to the site. Do, however, take a close look at the text in the banners. Is it of value to the users? Do the phrases highlight the competences, accomplishments or unique traits of your business? Such a review can take the Flash component of your site to the next level.

What should be your Website Content Mix?

Strengthen your content with a blend of text and relevant graphics, photos, animation and video. Take into account the proportion of these elements in determining website content.

Where possible, reduce or avoid text and communicate your message with the visual elements. Remember the adage, a picture is worth a thousand words? With images you can not only decrease the number of words, but also add excellent value to your content.

With text content, make sure it gets to the point faster. Because web users scan for information, help them find it fast with headers and sub-headers. Weave your text with simple words and keep it precise and concise to satisfy the information needs of the users or throw light on the products and services of your company.

Optimize your content for search engines. The search engine optimization (SEO) of your information is essential for your site to rank higher in the search engine results.

Chunk large blocks of text into paragraphs to make it easy for your visitors to read it. Spread information across pages and connect them through hyperlinks. Why should you use multiple pages? These do not burden the reader with loads of information.

As for the graphics, limit them to a few on each page. The exception is sites related to pictures. Try to use smaller size graphics for a faster download. For the same reason, use animation and video with a file format that gives the best of file size and quality.


