2013年2月13日 星期三

Social Networking A Must If You Own Website Business Or Personal

Ok I hope I have got your attention. Ok why should I even look at social networking site like Twitter Facebook Squidoo!

Quite simple really you own a business website ask this question are you getting enough quality traffic to your website. I bet the answer is no! You spend lots of money getting to someone to design your website. Then you switch it on and you sit back and rub your hands saying yep I will get lots of business now as I have a really great looking website WRONG!! Your website is now just sitting on the internet cloud with hundreds and thousands of other websites. In most cases if you did nothing you would not get any traffic at all. You have to tell people your there Marketing. Thats were social networking sites come in to play. First thing you should soon as you have your site live publish an article about your business and why you are different to everybody else and publish also bookmark your articles with other sites. It is so important to do this as you need quality backlinks to your chosen site. To even get a chance to rank well! With your chosen keywords!

Now lets look at me I own a website called UK Greeting Cards i sell handmade birthday cards wedding cards. I need to make sure I get ranked well for my chosen keywords which are birthday cards for women also wedding day cards I need to make sure that I have articles which I have wrote have these keywords in my article so click on the above link it will take you to my Squidoo lens guess what about wedding day cards. So can you see how this will help you with your ranking which will give you traffic.

I will be adding lots more information soon! So keep coming back to see what I have added.


