2013年2月21日 星期四

Logo Design Process

A logo is a sign or a mark that the company uses to identify itself. A good logo can build the reputation of the company in the market. It is, therefore, very important that every company should devote much attention to designing a good logo.

When a product is purchased, people try to search for some mark by which they can recognise the company - this mark is the logo. A logo brings about several notions and ideas in the minds of people about the product and the company . People try to judge the company just by seeing the logo. They come to know what sort of company they are dealing with and what are its goals, policies and ideals.

In order to design a good logo, several things must be considered by the company management. From the overall concept of the logo to the choice of colors for the foreground and background, the type of font and the type of icon or illustration -the company should take into account as much of the relevant parameters as possible.

After the research is over and the design aspects are determined, the management must create a proper brief for the designer. There is no fixed rule for writing a brief, but at the minimum it should contain the historical background of the company, a writeup of the goals, aims and ideals of the company, an idea of how the product is manufactured, the type of image the logo should convey, the colors to be used, the idea of the permissible logo concepts etc. This will enable the logo designer to design an appropriate logo for the company and incorporate these attributes into the overall image of the logo.

Once the brief is handed over to the designer he should go over it a number of times. He must try to understand the type of company he is working for. He must take into consideration all the limitations that the company has provided him for the design of the logo. He must not deviate much from the concepts, color choices, font choices, etc. that the company has set for him.

The logo designer must, offcourse, conduct his own research and find out what is the latest trend. He must select a suitable design concept and work out a number of possibilities for the design of the logo. He can use the software such as the photoshop, gimp, illustrator etc,. for working out the logo concepts.

Here are few examples of how the logo is designed according to the type of company. For example, if the company produces fashion garments for the women segment, a few logo concepts may be designed using the delicate or slender fonts and the colors may be chosen to convey a feminist idea. Similarly, a logo designed for the clean energy company may depict several concepts using the leaf motif, to convey that the company is keen on preserving the environment, while at the same time providing cheaper energy sources.

Finally, the designer can make several changes and add extra dimensions to the logo with the help of the software. He can enhance the logo by applying the gradients, highlights, borders, shadows, embossing, bevels etc. The logo must look attractive and at the same time easy to comprehend. Very complex logos may be difficult to register in the minds of the customers.

The final choice of the logo, offcourse, rests with the company management. The designer has to simply put forward his best designs and allow the company to make the final choice.


