Almost everyone in the Website marketing field know that backlink building can really make or break their online business. And a few years ago, trading links along with various other websites was looked upon as being a great way to build backlinks. But with all the alterations that Google has made over time, is this still regarded as a good marketing technique? In this article we are going to be investigating just that, in order to inform you about the answer.For those of you who don't know a backlink is simply a link pointing to your site coming from another website. For the most part you'll find that the major search engines count these inbound links as a popularity vote for your website. And when you can build a large amount of links the search engines will compensate your website with far better rankings in their results. When it comes to the value of each backlink you'll find that some backlinks have better value as compared to others. For example if you have a link o n a site that has a page rank of 4 and that website link is on the home page, it is worth more than the same kind of link found on a different page of that site. In order to determine the worth of the backlink you'll want to look at the page the link is on, rather than what the page rank of the home page is, even though the home page rank can still help a little.When people trade links with other sites normally those other sites have a separate web page on their site where they place the web link for your site. Because of this the worth of that link is not as powerful as if it was on the home page. Another thing you need to remember about these link web pages is that your link could be surrounded by countless other links. I am sure the majority of you already know that Google frowns upon this and generally these links do not even get counted.Google additionally gives more authority to one way links than they give to Internet sites that trade links. A one way link is when you have a link on some other Internet site but you don't link back to that website. In Google's eyes these kinds of one way links are usually as good as gold. You may also find sites that Google has de-indexed and if you wind up trading backlinks with them it is possible to hurt your own rankings. Of course it's not your aim to have Google dislike you, but it can happen if you trade backlinks with the wrong sites.To be truthful there are advantages to trading links with good websites, if the website is looked at as an authority website by Google and if the web page where your backlink is provides good traffic on it. There is always the possibility that Google is not going to even index a deep page that has lots of links on it, so if your link ends up there, it is worthless. The issue is that most sites that trade backlinks actually have some sort of links page that doesn't get indexed. There are a lot of ways to get backlinks for your Internet site and when you can build high quality one way links, they will generally beat out link exchanges each and every time.