Google have recently launched a new social network to rival Facebook. Although Google plus is still in a trial stage (only a certain number of users have been invited and are currently able to use the site), it looks as though it may just give Facebook some much needed competition.
Take a look at this quick video below showing the basics of Google+ or Google plus project.
The first thing is what is known as Hangouts, which is group video calling. This will enable people to chat via video in groups. Something that Facebook is trying to rival with their recently announced partnership with Skype, however Facebooks video calling will only be a two way call. Google+ therefore have the edge on this.... for now.
Another feature of Google+ is that it allows you to group your friends into different categories easily. So if you want to post something, but don't want your mother to see it, then this will be an easy option to take. See the video below:
There is also a function called Huddles, which is not unlike Facebooks 'inviteto' section. However this looks a lot more manageable and easy to use. Check out the video below for more on Google+ huddles feature.
My opinion is that things surrounding the internet, social networking and mobile phone is moving forward at a very fast pace. Sometimes you purchase something and by the time you've got it home, there's already a newer version out. So any new addition such as Google plus, isn't going to affect things too much, instead it will probably just help improve things even more.
Facebook has dominated the social networking market for a long time now, and although there are similar rivals such as My-Space and Twitter, nothing has come as close to it as I believe Google+ will. (Yes, I know My-Space was launched before Facebook, but it didn't have the impact Facebook did on social networking).
I think it's about time that there was a huge rival to Facebook, and Google+ is definitely going to be it.
There are concerns however that Google+ is just another way of tracking people and their movements around the internet, as discussed in this article:
Have you been invited to participate in the trial of Google plus?
Do you have any comments or thoughts on this matter?
Will you check Google plus out when it is launched?
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