In order to lose weight without tiring oneself, some people take pills that promise fast weight loss. But not all people should take these weight loss drugs without knowing the side effects these pills can do to the body. One should be aware of the pros and cons of taking these pills to avoid putting their health at risk.
Here is a list of weight loss supplements with their corresponding advantages and disadvantages:
Apple Cider Vinegar- This kind of vinegar can suppress a person's appetite. Some weight loss programs require their followers to take apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar supplements come in pills that should be taken before eating a meal. If you are short in terms of budget, you can take two to three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar exactly thirty minutes before eating. Be careful though; this supplement can contribute to an upset stomach once it is abused.
Bitter Orange- Bitter Orange is an herb that is known to flush out unwanted fats from our bodies. You should be warned though that this herb becomes harmful once you consume it along with other weight loss supplements. This herb, when taken with other medicines, provides side effects to its user. High blood pressures, difficulty in breathing and heart-related problems are some of the side effects that bitter orange can give.
Chitosan- Dieticians say that Chitosan acts as a fat magnet as it pulls cholesterol while making its way out of the body. Side effects may not be visible from one to three months of use, but it is proven to give negative digestive reactions after. Chitosan is a fast weight loss supplement that is acquired from the shells of sea creatures.
Chromium- Chromium helps an individual to have leaner muscles and a sexier body whenever he/she needs immediate results. If you are following a strict diet and going through a rigorous exercise, the chromium then indirectly contributes to faster shedding of pounds. When this supplement is abused, the user experiences uncontrolled anxiety attacks.
Fucoxanthin- This supplement has been proven to help eliminate fats especially in the abdominal area. This allows males and females to have their dream six-pack abs. This drug is an anti-oxidant that burns calories near the abdomen. Amazingly, this supplement prevents fats from forming inside our bodies. This supplement, found in edible sea weeds, is also known to avoid diabetes and chronic heart disease.
Guarana- This supplement comes in the form of black seeds that contains caffeine. This was originally obtained in the Amazon's rain forest. Experts say that the caffeine in Guarana is higher than coffee beans. Since Guarana is considered as a stimulant, it can still contribute a few harmful effects to one's body like a noticeable increase in one's heartbeat and frequent attacks of anxiety.
Now that you are aware of these supplement's side effects, be careful in using each of it. If you want fast weight loss, be sure to be cautious in everything you eat, drink and do or else, your condition will be put to danger.
Three heavily advertised weight loss product manufacturers have been fined by the FTC for "unsubstantiated claims", lacking scientific support. This article provides an outline for consumers on how to separate empty claims from scientifically supported product benefits.
The Federal Trade Commission recently fined three well-known weight loss pill manufacturers for deceptive or misleading weight loss claims.
TrimSpa, CortiSlim and One-A-Day Weight Smart were all charged millions of dollars in penalties for stating their products could do something that they don't do - melt pounds.
TrimSpa, using celebrity spokesperson Anna Nicole Smith, claimed tremendous weight loss (even though Ms. Smith said most of her 50 pound reduction came from a laxative).
CortiSlim said their product could eliminate "abdominal fat" caused by stress.
One-A-Day Weight Smart said that their product overcame age related slowdowns in metabolism, preventing weight gain.
The fines were levied based on what the FTC referred to as a "lack of clinical evidence" to support these broad and sweeping advertised benefits.
According to FTC Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras "The marketers are required to back up the claims with science...if they can't do that, they can't make the claim."
So now that three well-known and heavily advertised weight loss products have been de-bunked, how do you choose a supplement that does work?
Here are a few guidelines:
#1 Choose a product that can substantiate its claims with double blind placebo studies
The marketing buzzwords used by many weight loss manufacturers today are "clinically proven" and "scientifically documented". Both of those sound substantial. But you need to dig deeper. Consumers need to ask for specific studies and testing done that goes beyond words. The gold standard for clinical studies is the double blind placebo test, normally run for a minimum of 8 weeks. It gives unbiased feedback, in a controlled environment, about a product's benefits. If the vendor cannot provide double blind placebo test results, don't believe the claim
#2 Scientific testing should have been conducted at reputable, well-known medical institutions
The second question to ask is, where were these studies conducted? If the manufacturer refuses to provide the clinical test location or organization, don't believe the claims. Harvard, Georgetown, Creighton, UC Berkeley and other recognizable and credible organizations do solid clinical testing. If you don't recognize the testing organization, don't accept the claim.
#3 Does the bottle have the same product as used in the clinical test
Some manufacturers point to legitimate, reputably-run clinical tests on which to base their product claims. Yet, the product they sell contains only a small percentage or lower grade ingredients used in the clinical test. This "watered down" ingredient level improves the manufacturer's profits, but undermines even the best research conducted by the best medical institutions in the world. It just won't perform the way it's supposed claimed to perform. So make sure the ingredients in the bottle match the dosage, purity and strength of clinical tests.