2012年7月10日 星期二

Animus and animation: Part Two

Animus and animation: Part Two

In scifi, aliens are extrapolations of women, so Britney Spears on Mars in Oops I Did It Again sends the astronaut away because she isn`t `serious`. She`s `high camp` and fun, but doesn`t want to be `death camp` and Mars Bars - `sweety` for the prison guards and prisoners.

In Egyptian a Ba is the personality, which together with the Ka (spirit) is the vehicle of Redemption. Britney on Mars is a Mars Ba, and she doesn`t need a spacesuit all she needs is her red suit of Redemption and that`s why she`s the Phoenix Mars Lander, because `bennu` is `phoenix` in Egyptian mythology and means `resurrection` of body and soul, with memory and personality. The persona is the mask of `high camp` - acting - because the personality can become contaminated by evil, which is why Ra (God), who is incarnated as Osiris is dismembered by his evil brother Set.

In Christianity the personality has to accept the Holy Spirit, which is Redemption and, in Egypt, this was represented by Isis` recollection and rememberment of Osiris who is reborn as Horus (God). Britney on Mars is Isis and her persona or image is on Earth while her personality and spirit is on Mars. It`s her environment and she controls it, which is a metaphor for the Paraclete as a gatherer of information in building a personality that is not contaminated by the image men have of her, and that`s why she`s on Earth not as a `teacher` like Jesus, but as the `teacher`s assistant` - to recollect and remember God through development and progress in innocence without threat (under threat is `contamination`), which is the American Dream and Manifest Destiny.

Britney`s an alien intelligence to men and so the astronaut is a NASA sin (ass-as-Sin) because she doesn`t wear a spacesuit only her red suit which is a symbol of her Holy Spirit and Redemption together with the new heaven and Earth for her persona (image) and personality that isn`t for men who`ve contaminated her and would turn her brother Mars into the destroyer she, as Aphrodite, doesn`t want him to be. So she sends him away until he can live with her without a spacesuit and Mars Bars the delusion that women are to be enslaved as producers and that civilization her product is to be destroyed by men who prefer the bars of Earth to Mars, and would turn her Mars into a `god of war`. A destroyer of Earth from heaven who`d build a new prison with bars and a new `death camp` for Woman and her Civilization there.

Men can`t accept women from different environments because the men remain the same, whereas women change to adapt to their culture. So men prefer each other because they all have the same problem, which is that they can only adapt to each other on `common ground` women are `culture`, and men aren`t `cultivated` on those grounds.

The `business suit` is the visible sign of `civilized` to them, whereas it`s the nullification of difference between them and the acceptance that woman is `alien` and to be enslaved, which is what the prisons and bars (prison bars) are for to train homosexuals and keep their ass-as-Sin`s drugged and prevent their spreading their `virus` of death and destruction on Woman`s Earth so that she can`t escape.

This is what Britney Spears on Mars understands. She`s everywhere as the Holy Spirit, but looks different depending on the culture she finds herself in, and men who can`t accept the Holy Spirit might want sex, but not `good` fun; that is, they don`t have the desire to laugh with her but do have the humour to laugh at her. Her single If You Seek Amy was laughed at because it was interpreted as `F-U-C-K me`, whereas it`s `if you seek aim me,` that is, she`s the spear of God or Manifest Destiny, which was the spear of Longinus that pierced the side of Jesus and, effectively, released the `teacher`s assistant`, the Paraclete behind Jesus` eyes and, symbolically, born from his side as Eve from Adam continuing the teachings of Jesus `til humankind accept her spirit and Redemption.

Star Trek is similarly `high camp` because it sustains the illusion that men want love and peace, whereas their history says they want death and destruction. The Bible says they want to be single with an immortal woman who is everywhere like the Holy Spirit and they want her to be fully developed so they can have sex with her in different environments and appearances, but they don`t want children so they appear as a devouring Chronos or Saturn (Satan) like the red dragon of Revelation waiting to devour the child of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which shall `rule the nations with an iron rod` - God`s law and love - until the Holy Spirit is accepted, that is, Redemption, and the new heaven and Earth promised by God to Jesus after the `marriage of the lamb [Jesus]` with the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete from his side that has been studying men for 2000 years in preparation for - exactly that.

This is what women`s animus does. It maintains the illusion until they are deluded into believing their illusion and that`s what men use her for. To delude those who believe in `God`s love` so that they can maintain the illusion behind which they plan events such as WWI, II, Gulf War I, II, and 9/11.

In effect Jesus` crucifixion was a death camp of one for the ghouls. The new heaven and Earth for One would be a death camp for eternity in the hands of the evil, which is why God enforces God`s love, and why `high camp` seems to be for children but is actually tongue-in-cheek law enforcement.

Catwoman in Batman is a supervillain to children and a porn actress in the minds of men. They define her as a `sex object`, whereas that`s the `high camp`. What`s important is what you have to do to escape the `death camp`, that is, hold their attention so that the Underworld doesn`t begin it`s villainy, that is, she must `play the game` but wait to be `picked up` by God rather than devoured by the Evil One.

Catwoman is a villain because she`s an archetype of Woman`s animust perforced - within the Underworld - as Persephone is in Dys (the Underworld of Pluto in mythology) who emerges in Spring in the same way as Osiris, the `corn god` in the Egyptian myth, is a metaphor for man and woman`s inferiority to those who represent the Underworld of men`s villainy, that is, we`re shit to them.

Woman as Persephone is more inferior and subterranean to the Underworld so to them - she belongs in hell, and Woman is merely a fertilizer so should accept the grim reaping of her flesh and not wish for immortality in God by accepting the teachings of Jesus` Paraclete and Redemption.

It`s anus theology. Everything is shit and anus is what we produce, so Saddam (Sodom) is an archetype of the red dragon of Revelation which is the `devourer` (Chronos, Saturn) as the ass-as-Sin`s of 9/11 that perceived the `Big Apple` of New York as shit even before it`s processed - and because it`s processing in `thoughtful` digestion.

In the Christian interpretation of the myth of time, Chronos (Saturn), is the devourer of his own children, and is Satan. But, in fact, because Woman`s animus doesn`t want what men want, that is, to produce and not be treated as shit, her animus is Satan to the Underworld who want her to be a villain and live with them. She`s a Persephone who may husband some `corn` for them as pimps but it and her husband are only shit anyway, and whereas she`ll continue to live in the Underworld - which is Dystopia, as it were - he shall remain shit.

This is the meaning of the Egyptian myth of God-as-Ra incarnated as Osiris who, murdered by his `evil brother` Set (a `supervillain` in Underworld terms) is celebrated as `resurrected` when the corn grows along the Nile. Set had wanted Osiris to be shit, but he was recollected and remembered by his wife Isis. As Horus he became the `sky god`, but Persephone and women who accept pimps are the accomplices of Set and so are `asset strippers`, that is, they`re the set who sell their ass to the pimp (whore us) who doesn`t believe in the `corn` about Jesus because that`s `shit` and they believe in `Saddamy`, that is, business is `corn` too, so the ass-as-Sins of 9/11 cut it down as `future shit`.

Britney Spears on the cross on the cover of Piece of Me is a Paraclete, that is, the Holy Spirit as Spears of God, but men are either sexually attracted by it or laugh at it because they`re ghouls and think of themselves as brave because they`re laughing at death hers. She sings:

`I'm Mrs. Most Likely To Get On The TV For Strippin' On The Streets When gettin' the groceries, no, for real are you kiddin' me?`

Laughable, in the sense of fun; but she was denied custody of her child for allowing his hat to fall off when she was running for a car in a crowd of paparazzi, that is, they made her fun lyric into a hateful happening, which is what those who want to appear brave do laugh at and torture women who have legitimate concerns like babies.

Britney`s Persephone ever funny. But `high camp` is survival humour because it`s `fun` but not mockery and, in Meryl Streep`s Sophie`s Choice (1984), Sophie has to choose between her son and daughter when a death camp guard tells her she can keep one. She chooses the girl because Woman is the future and the ass-as-Sin`s who perceive everything as shit don`t want it as in Belsen and as on 9/11.

Meryl`s character`s Jewish and you can only be born a Jew from your `mother`s side`, as it were. In other words, the Shekinah or Holy Spirit is on Woman`s side - and Adam`s. She emerged, as it were, from the `Second Adam`, when Jesus` side was pierced by the spear of Longinus which is `serious` - and neither death camps nor death are fun.

Death camp humour is for ghouls, of course, and they laugh at death on the mistaken assumption that it is bravery to do so, but laughing at a woman struggling with her child and taking the child away from her because she lost the baby`s hat is ghoulish death camp humour and indicative of men`s true intentions towards their victim, which is to laugh at a `high camp` Woman who knows how to act with her child and `them` - until they`ve laughed her `civilizing influence` off stage, which is how she acts against `them` - by adapting her `high comedy routine` for survival and that of her offspring because she`s Persephone (Spears - a `funny` of the Underworld.

The Underworld are homosexual ass-as-Sins who want to rule and the rest to be `droolers`. The child of the Woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` shall, according to Revelation, `rule the nations with an iron scepter`. In some translations this is an `iron rod`, which in slang terms is a gun, whereas a scepter isn`t.

Those who use the gun and rule are those who use the rod to make us `drool` because their idea of `super sticks` (their `dicks` are super`s because life-taking is superior), which in disability terms means that they (should be and are) spastics that harm people.

We are meant to pity spastics, so we do. But we should pity the disabled `drooler` not the enabled who rules with the rod of a gun`s iron. If that`s their idea of God`s species` ruling, why should we pity them? Let`s simply accept that they`re for perdition, rid ourselves of them, and exterminate the gangsters.

Woman has a penis and she`s called futanar. She doesn`t need men and she`s beautiful. The one to rule for the Woman of Revelation is he who recognizes that Woman is a separate species and doesn`t want to be ruled by the gun, because that`s `spastic` city (superstick city) and not the city of God.

When you`ve seen men murdering naked women until their fingers bleed from pulling the triggers on their guns you appreciate that the evil will have eternal unendurable pain forever, and `men ogre me` is their parody of monogamy, that is, the future of masturbation is to link the imagination centres to an imager and create a material manifestation that`s real - insofar as perception goes - so that they can call love a `virus` and murder the faithful electronically while they dream, which is the `plague aims system` of homosexual misogynyst fantasy, and is what God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 18, 19) for.

9/11 began the paradigm by explaining that the Twin Towers were `corn` grown as some `future shit` by Adam and Eve`s descendants in the `Big Apple` and the ass-as-Sin`s `virus` hacked into them feigning `civil` intentions with their `aircraftiness` and crashed the system of development in favour of `play games` in which the `plague`s aim` was for Saddam`s Al Qaeda to give New York`s `Adam`s apple` air AIDS and choke the Paraclete`s voice in America as the `pig apple`. The `pig` is haraam in Arabia where the USA is often descried as `the Great Satan` because she`s Uncle Sam and Arabs are not permitted to eat `uncle`s ham` but believe that the USA is tempting them with woman because they can see her face and body, which is haraam and they don`t want to eat her but the first murderer (of his brother) Cain sacrificed fruit to God whereas Abel sacrificed from his flock and God preferred him. 9/11 is the `fruit of the flesh` and the `flesh of the fruit`, which is why Al Qaeda at tacked her.

The acceptance of the Holy Spirit is Jesus` Redemption for mankind, which includes the murderer. Provoking war is `raising Cain`, but the evil are animals, so God is not displeased by their sacrifice or by those of the heroes who sacrifice them or themselves in battle. New York prior to 9/11 was the `maturity` that comes with wisdom, so it`s the `Big Apple` of Adam and Eve, and the WTCs represent an investment `maturity` (in business terms), that is, the fruit of maturity, which is forgiveness by God for Cain and acceptance that the fruit of development is as important as the flesh because the Underworld wants Dys Abel, that is, to disable man and woman, so the fruits of maturity are what the pair have developed to enable them, which is technology.

Britney`s pear`s F-unny (Persephone) is the enabler as the Paraclete and she represents the new fruit of the gardener`s pear, which is `Thee`s Spear of Destiny`, that is, fulfilment of the wedding vow which, in economic and spiritual terms is: `With thee I all my goods endow.` Woman`s Destiny is as good as God`s - and that`s the American Dream.

Britney`s If You Seek Amy means `F U (Fuck You) I`m gay`, so `game me`, that is, if she were a science fiction writer, her red suited figure in Oops I Did It Again (2000) on Mars suggests that she isn`t the devouring `red dragon` of Revelation but Redemption.

She didn`t marry until 2004 and said she`d be `virgin` when she did. The first marriage to Jason Alexander lasted 55 hours, which suggests she wasn`t `ready`. She`s monogamous by law - but the one she`s left has memories of her, which would be `men ogle me` if they were distributed, and that wouldn`t be `monogamy`.

If Britney were a science fiction writer, she might be concerned that these memories be linked to an `imager`, which could be `play games` for the evil `aims` that `plague` her, that is, monogamy might become `mourn - ogre - me` on a `games platform` if she didn`t prevent her `ex` from being hurt by the red dragon of Revelation that would devour her `graven image` (WHICH MEN ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO WORSHIP in mock biblical ad-speak) on a Britney`s Windows X Professional`s X-box, for example, where sexy images of her would be a `supersticks shoot-em-up`.

`Hate to stare. But you`re winnin` and they`re playin` my favourite song.`

Britney`s bisexuality is the knowledge that she`s Spears and the Paraclete, which is a `tutelary spirit` that, ironically, the dictionary defines as a `daemon` of place the Earth. Christians demonize the schizophrenic but it`s Christian to `love thy neighbour as you love yourself` because the Paraclete is the Holy Spirit and, if you accept Jesus` teachings of Redemption, you can love yourself. If you`re a woman then it`s the recognition that woman is not a lesbian but bisexual because she`s originally hermaphrodite Eve from the `side` of Adam.

In understanding that Woman`s gay she has the wisdom to accept Jesus` Redemption because Woman as futanar - has a penis and she doesn`t actually need men. In other words, men have to pray for her because she can produce without them and she doesn`t have to beg (other than at the point of a gun) for their penis, which is the secret of the Holy Spirit`s teaching, that is, men cannot produce without Woman and so she is Jesus` assistant as the Paraclete to teach them Redemption is simply to love what is produced. She doesn`t even need men if she has her own penis, so they must accept the Holy Spirit in order to be with her in the new Heaven and Earth God promises in Revelation - or it`s perdition.

Schizophrenic isn`t `schizophrenia` because, to those who have the Holy Spirit, it`s clear that they can `love thy neighbour as they love themselves` because their neighbour is themselves, that is, their `multiple personalities` are visible. Schizophrenia is the knowledge that demons aren`t daemons, that is, `tutelary spirits`, but men who seek to demonize the Holy Spirit because she`s the spirit from Jesus` side, effectively cut therefrom at Providence`s design by Longinus, and as Eve emerged from Adam`s side by God`s design.

The spirit of the Evil One is homosexuality that uses the anus as a `seedbed` for its spirit, which is those of the ass-as-Sins. This is how they spy from within the eyes of their hosts. It makes a new psychological perspective in which the anima (soul) of a man and the animus (spirit) of a woman find correspondence in the anus (spirit of evil), which isn`t the Holy Spirit of teaching Redemption but the evil red dragon of Revelation that waits to devour the child born to the Woman that is `still` possible rather than `stillborn`, which could be the case if Saddam Hussein, the `serpent` of Eden full grown as the red dragon, had devoured New York and the Pentagon on 9/11.

The child is New York`s Adam and Eve`s `Big Apple` of Redemption, which is pychological and physical bisexuality promised by the woman `clothed with the sun [masculine principle] and with the moon [feminine principle] at her feet` and the scepter is the sign that he shall protect her while Man has a final chance at Redemption before Woman leaves as a new species - with or without him and if it`s without it`s perdition for those that have accepted the spirit of the anus and the ass-as-Sin`s rather than the Holy Spirit, which is God`s Woman`s.

Britney`s Toxic (2003) was chosen as the theme song for the Catwoman movie (2003)

Hold It Against Me (2011)


