Since a sites ranking is one of the biggest factor in driving free traffic to your content sites or blogs, optimizing a site to get maximum search engine exposure is an increasingly important factor in any marketing effort.
SEO, or search engine optimization is the method of using both technical and not so technical techniques to insure that people that are interested in the things on your site, will be able to find it.
After doing some research online and being given some fantastic tip from other webmasters I know, I was able to greatly improve my sites SEO and I've distilled these tips into some basics that are essential to any content site that is looking for more traffic from the search engines.
Sites that are just starting out should focus on getting plenty of incoming links. This is what Google uses to rank sites. More inbound links equals more authority.
When you are trying to increase traffic it's important to remember no to go overboard with your SEO efforts. Google will catch on and lower your sites ranking if you create dummy pages and links for the sole purpose of increasing the exposure to your site for a specific keyword.
With those caveats in mind, lets look at some of the best SEO tips to implement.
Get both inbound and outbound links. While Google ranks your sites importance on the number of inbound links coming from other sites, it gives much more weight to in links from authority sites.
Use headlines and title tags with the keywords up front. As you consider search engine optimization for your site, you should think about the most important keywords that people will use when searching for your site in Google.
The search engines seem to put more weight to keywords that show early in the page title. One of the drawbacks of using these keyword rich headlines is that you are unable to use the creativity that tabloid newspapers do.
The web address for your articles or blog post should always include keywords. It is also important that each story's URL contain the keywords used in your headline and the category for the article.
Page descriptions should be eliminated if they are not unique. If you simply insert the pages first sentence or use the exact same Meta description on every page, it's not even as relevant as the description that Google can easily pull from the site. If your Meta description is the same on every page you are better off without it.
Highlight each page's best content. One feature that is commonly used by major news sites is a list of "Most emailed Stories" or" Today's Top Stories". Placing this list prominently on your site, on every page, would bring more traffic as will and more inbound links to the best content on your site and would serve as an introduction to your site if a visitor came to read a specific post.
Many visitors will leave the site after reading just one post, but if you make it simple for them to locate your best work then they might just stick around and read more or subscribe to your blog feed if they find your content compelling enough.
Limit tags and categories to the most important ones. Highlight only the most important categories and put the rest on another page. Too many tags causes there to be links that aren't very useful. It's better to limit tags to the most important keywords.
Create a Google News sitemap and optimize any images. Google recommends that publishers submit special "sitemaps" to help the search engine easily index the sites pages. Sitemaps are dynamic XML files that you submit to Google and are used by their spider to index your content.