2014年1月24日 星期五

Start A Site With Google Ads In 6 Simple Steps - Search Engines

Start A Site With Google Ads In 6 Simple Steps

Follow these 6 simple steps to start a site with google ads.

1. Start with a great topic. Search for it on Google and see if others have a similar idea.2. Youll need a website. Google has two places to create sites for free: pages.google.com and Blogger. Blogger is the easiest and fastest route. Pick a title for your blog, a template, and start posting. Remember to add lots of pictures to keep it interesting. During the creation process, Google will ask you to add Google Adsense to your site.3. Once you are in the Adsense system, Google offers tips on how to get the most out of your ads. For example, Google teaches about color patterns. Sites with white backgrounds should use ads with a gray background and publishers should use colors in ads that already exist on the page. Google also offers tools such as a competitive ad filter to make sure the cobbler down the street doesnt end up advertising on your shoe repair site.4. Google gives you a short, one sentence code to paste in the background of your site, which in turn talks to Goog les computers and puts ads automatically on your site. With Blogger and Apples iWeb tools, the coding is done in the background. You just have to click a button to add Adsense to your site.5. Now start writing. The folks whose sites reap the most from Adsense have thousands of pages of content. The more pages, the more opportunities for ads and click. If you write for your audience and give them information thats useful and helpful, Google does the rest, says Gail Bjork, who runs the Digicam help site, They match your content to the ads.6. Adsense publisher and author Joel Comm says that the next step is to figure out the best place on your page for the ads. Google leaves this to you. The best place to put it is in line with your content. Most people put it at the top of the page initially, but users and visitors have become blind to banner ads. They wont look anymore. You have to have the ads in a place where they can be seen.

Good Luck and God BlessIsabella Fiorentino


