2013年10月19日 星期六

Google Pay-Per-Click Is Killing My Business - Advertising

I know most of us are in this boat. You need more visitors to your site and Google is the fastest way to get instant highly targeted traffic. If Google Pay-Per-Click ads gets you around 500 - 800 highly targeted visitor per day, then surely that is good for business. But think again! The 500 - 800 visitors might give 8 -10 sales a day and let's say the product or service is priced at $10. You'll making about $100 a day, but it came at a very expensive price - Google Pay-Per-Click ads. Looking at this scenario positively the 500 - 800 visitors probably cost you $100 per day, meaning that you break even. The 500 - 800 visitors also boosts you site ranks if you get nothing else out of this scenario. But wait! That's not how it normally works out at all. For you to get the 500 - 800 visitors to you site is not going to cost you $100 per day. It might cost you 3 or 4 times as much, depending on the keywords that you have selected to use for the Google Pay-Per-Click ads. How man y of you experience this? Just 2 days ago I setup an adwords campaign for a particular niche market. I chose my keywords carefully using a number of keyword tools such as Google and Word Tracker to name but a few. The traffic estimation for those keywords was huge: roughly 15000 visitors per day. I set the daily limit to $50 and the default click cost at 0.80c. When I re-estimated suddenly my ad was de-activated because my click limit was too low. The start price per click was $5.00. $5.00 is a crazy price to be paying for any click. So I checked on my other ad campaigns in different niche markets. And guess what? They were all de-activated because the start click price was $5.00. I therefore had no ads running at all and my steady, regular income had dropped from around $250 per day to ZERO.My question is this: Is Google driving up the price or is it because prices are legitimately high. I have my suspicions. I would say the price has been driven up by marketers fighting ov er 15000 visitors but when I have to $5.00 per click for less that 150 visitor per, that not on. I had no income and was desperate to get traffic to my sites, so I pushed my click price to the "Starting" $5.00. I got 93 visitors of which only 5 made purchases. Those 93 visitors cost me $465. My sales only added up to $185. Are you in this boat too? Are you loosing money like me or not make any money at all like I did most times. What if you did not have to pay for Google Adwords any longer? Would that change the success rate of your business?Thankfully I do not have to pay for Google Adwords anymore, and THAT one factor has exploded my income to 4 times what it was.Some guy has been using this secret method not to pay for Google Adwords and has benefited to the tune of more than $1million. He has sale more than $300 million is sales.Imagine! Unlimited Google Pay-Per-Click ads FREE!


