Normally, Windows suppose to send you the appropriate website remember when you are redirected from clicking on a link if a system is infected as a result of Google Redirect virus, it's going to put its own wrong websites in to the redirect process, directing your laptop or possibly PC to send you to ultimately any website at unchosen. The funny but sad issue we have found that this will happen for all redirects, not just for serp's but this problem can be more noticeable when performing a search because search applications will always redirect you to ultimately a particular site. Unfortunately, many computer users have never witnessed this ugly situation, yet this doesn't stop it from happening - after you click on a link on bing search result, it will take one to a strange environment or website you never expected. This is reasonably annoying and frustrating. Okay, why's this virus too difficult to become removed? The simple factor is that, unlike some other common or ty pical trojans, this virus does never leave any 'footprint' or 'trace' on your laptop. It just changes the particular redirect settings for Windows and disappears to the unknown destination. This is just so why most anti-virus tools cannot remove it. Then, tips on how to remove the Google Redirect Virus in the laptop, PC or desktop computer? To remove this pretty stubborn virus, you have to fix the settings, options and files as part of your system registry which were negatively affected by the following virus. The latest virus among these is a Google Redirect Virus. Is some information about Yahoo and google Redirect Virus and easy methods to remove it. What will be Google Redirect Virus? The Google redirect virus can be a virus that redirects web users to pages that they often not want to check out, if they made a spelling mistake while typing the name of your particular site of page in the address watering hole. This also happens in case the page that they require not any longer exists. This virus mainly attacks online users who use Google either like a homepage or as the search engines. The probability of computers getting infected utilizing this virus increases if a computer owner uses Google search engine being the default, and if the Google site is kept as default, where they require a Google redirect virus removal tool. How to eliminate Google Redirect Virus? Presently, there's no known solution to this matter; however, anti-virus software makers really are hammer and tongs at picking up a solution. Under these situation, the best one can do is to use the latest anti-virus and even anti-malware software. If your machine is plagued by this problem, the machine is contaminated by a Trojan or a TDL3 infection, and would have to have a Google redirect virus fading tool. There are a couple of anti-virus and anti-malware software package available, and some of these specialize in removing the TDL3 virus, also also known as the TDSS virus. How to look for anti-virus for TDSS is usually to run a search regarding this on your favorite browser's search engine. Some of the well-known anti spyware and anti-spyware systems for ones Google redirect virus stripping is: