2013年1月4日 星期五

Strengthening The Lower Body For Fast Lower Back Pain Relief

In this exercise were going to strengthen the lower body and balance the musculature of the lower body to provide support for the trunk area. So if you got lower back pain, this could be a great exercise to build the support for the area thats under a lot of strain. And thats what you want to do if you have lower back pain. If you have lower back pain the lower back area doesnt have enough support. Its lacking in stability, and the back is trying to make up for it by moving around too much. So you got to form that stability in the lower part of the body, the legs, and the pelvis and the buttocks. So the lower torso would be well supported. And then the pain will diminish. Also, this exercise will help to open up the chest, and lengthen the upper spine, the thoracic curve, which tends to ratchet down and get a little bit too tight causing a little bit more instability in the lower spine. So, what youll need for this is a sticky mat. Buy a sticky mat if you dont have one. Yo u can go to my website; you can go to Walmart, or other various places to buy them. You can get them almost anywhere. But whatever you do buy a sticky mat thats actually sticky; somethings thats going to provide you traction, because traction is critical. An expensive mat is not advisable for they may be slippery. I have seen people slide over those mats all the time. The point of doing this stuff is to change your body, and when youre changing your body, youre thinking in a very utilitarian way. You should not be worried about the design, the fashion, and the aesthetic part of it. You can do this exercise in your house where nobody can see; do this at a place where it works the best. So an inexpensive sticky mat that is actually sticky will do. The hands are going to be splayed as wide as you can splay them, the postion of the thumb is roughly below the pectoral muscle, or one inches below the breast. So theyre going to be at the side here, fingers pointing in the direction of the body. So the middle finger is pointing in the direction of the body. Often I see peoples hands not in a proper position or not very well splayed. Splay them as wide as you can; youll need a wide base for supporting for your body. And then the middle finger should be facing forward. And wear comfortable shorts. You dont want something thats going to get on the way, because youre going to be pressing your pelvis into the floor. And thats where youre going to derive the support for this pose. So I start with my face down, lying on my chest. My foreheads on the floor. Im going to take my hands down, just below the pectoral muscle of one inch below the breast, the middle finger pointing straight forward. Elbows vertical. My feet straight out; the tops the feet should be facing the floor. Its like a preparatory position for doing a push-up. Now, Im going to engage my quadriceps, and constrict and push my buttocks into the floor; the top of my pelvis pressing into the flo or, the tailbone pushing it into the floor. This is the base of my support, its critical that you do this. The legs are coming out and away from the base of the support, the pelvis. I push it into the floor strongly. I keep pushing it into the floor. My spine starts to extend, out and away from my buttocks, from my pelvis. And if my lower back starts to hurt here, I have to turn my tailbone even more, and squeeze my buttocks even more, and push into the floor even more. Make sure the legs and the feet are straight. And then youll notice Im starting to arch; my spine is starting to lengthen as I push into the floor with my pelvis not with my hands. And I keep doing this harder and harder, and push and arch myself up with my hands a little bit. My lower back is protected because my buttocks are working. Theyre really working really really hard. I take my tailbone towards my heels; I work my buttocks even harder. My legs are extending out from my pelvis. Theyre working pretty h ard. And my chest is up and lifted. And then come back down slowly and rest. This is a great exercise to provide support and stability for your lower back; youre core musculature, and the whole trunk and the back.

Its so easy to do this exercise. Its hassle free, it doesnt require much space, and you can do this in the privacy of your home. Whats more this exercise relieves lower back pain, upper back pain, neck pain, all sorts of back pains fast. Try it, and see for yourself. To get the free video of todays featured exercise visit Register, and grab the video and all the other videos absolutely free, no hidden charges whatsoever. What are you waiting for? Grab one now, and take your first step to a newer, healthier you.


