How to earn money online? That is the question being asked by many people lately. I think that mostly young people consider trying to earn money online. I am one of them. There are several risk-free ways of earning money through internet. However, there are no ways of earning money online fast and without any risk. Most of the products (probably all of them) that promise you to earn a lot of money in short time are scams. I advise you to stay away from these risk-free investment plans.
So, now that Ive warned you, I can start with telling you how to earn money online. As I have mentioned earlier, there are several risk-free ways of earning money online. I will refer shortly to those I have already tested.
Google adsense
Google adsense is a program in which Google will allow you to display their ads on your website. You will then earn money every time that someone clicks on those ads located on your website. If you have your own blog or website, you should certainly try this way of making money online. You can find out everything you need from their website. You can either write adsense into Google search engine or visit the adsense page through this link /adsense.
Writing online articles
In case you do not have your own website to display Google adsense, you can earn some money online by writing articles for certain websites. These websites will pay you every time someone reads your article. They earn their money through ads displayed with each article. To earn money, they need a lot of content. This is provided by you and other content creators. They will then share their revenue with you. I will mention few such websites that will enable you to earn some money online. These are website I have some experience with. I have received payments from them already.
/rw/35603 - I will begin with my favorite website. Triond is probably the best one to begin with. It will allow you to earn money for your work. You do not have to be very good writer to start publishing. All you need is being able to write articles in English. You can start publishing and improve your writing skills as you go. Later on you can rewrite your old articles. You can publish any of your written work (for example poem, short story, etc.). You can also publish pictures. You can even view your own Google adsense ads with your articles. It is possible to earn some nice income with triond. If you decide to join triond, please do so as my referral using this link - /rw/35603
The second website that will enable you to earn some money online is bukisa. This website will also enable you to publish your works. It is also reliable website worth joining. You can also publish videos, presentations and audio through bukisa. If you decide to join bukisa, please do so as my referral through this link - /join/28593 .
The last website I want to mention is This website also offers up-front payments. However, you need to be US citizen to be eligible for them. Anyway, you do not have to worry. You are eligible for performance payments even if you are not US citizen.
That is all I wanted to tell you about earning money online in todays article. Hopefully, I helped to answer the question How to earn money online? I certainly did not mention all safe ways of making money online. However, I mentioned all such ways I came across.
Article How to earn money online can also be found here - /money-making/how-to-earn-money-online-8/ . Of course, it was uploaded by me as a creator of this article.