2012年9月5日 星期三

Juices - an important source of vitamins

Juices of fruits and berries should occupy in the daily human diet prominence. With a diverse range of flavors, they are not only refreshing and pleasant to quench thirst, but also have medicinal properties.

Juices - an important source of vitamins. Regular consumption of juice stimulates the metabolism, improves resistance to infections, provides resistance of the body in stressful situations.

Organic acids (malic, citric, etc.) contained in the juices, to help you better digest food. In addition, they may partially compensate for the missing hydrochloric acid at a number of diseases associated with reduced gastric acidity.

Juices also rich in minerals, including trace elements. Juices of potassium, which many in the fruit juice of any, are being withdrawn from the body excess moisture. That is why doctors recommend that fruit and vegetable juices for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, causing swelling. Iron compounds are useful in certain forms of anemia.

In the pulp of fruits and juices with pulp lot of pectin substances (cellulose), which improves peristalsis, helping out of the body of cholesterol. This allows the juices to recommend in atherosclerosis and diseases of the intestine.

Natural juices without added sugar low-calorie. Therefore, they are indispensable in the diet of those who need to lose weight. Juices are useful in infectious diseases with fever and decreased appetite.

It is known that in old age, as well as in some diseases - atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, obesity - should eat less refined sugar (sucrose). Its abundance in the diet promotes the growth of adipose tissue and increased cholesterol.

Carbohydrates juices are composed mainly of fructose and glucose. For example, in apple juice fructose 4 times greater than sucrose, in a cherry - nearly 15 times. These carbohydrates are natural fruits and vegetables more favorably (compared to refined sugar) effect on metabolism.
Juices are needed not only sick but also healthy, especially children.

While heat treatment for the industrial manufacture of juices and allows you many ways to preserve their nutritional value, but the maximum amount of nutrients contained in freshly prepared cheese juice. So if you are cooking juices at home, it is best to do it immediately before serving.

Despite the fact that the good juice is clear, we should not overestimate their healing power. For juices - is primarily a food product, a therapeutic effect which, of course, not so much as, for example, pharmaceutical tablets. Unfortunately, there are still people who naively believe in some juice or a mixture can be cured and stomach ulcers, and malignant tumors, and malaria, and cataracts, and infertility, and dozens of other ailments. For example, "3-4 liters of carrot juice a day can cause the whole body in normal condition. Those who follow this advice instead of the expected imp rovement being disturbed metabolism, and the whites of the eyes and skin turn yellow, causing fear of close friends.

If you are serious about "sokoterapiey", we must do it necessarily consulting with dietician. Recall the healing properties of the most useful and accessible juices.

Apple juice contains vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, malic, citric and other organic acids. Apple juice is recommended for all, but especially useful for children and people with zaboleaniyami cardiovascular system, anemia, gastritis with reduced kislotnotyu. Calorie content of this juice is low.

Tomato juice contains vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, can also recommend to almost everyone. Especially useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system, and constipation. Low calorie tomato juice can be recommended for people with overweight.

Grape juice is a valuable nutritious product and also has healing properties. It contain s carbohydrate (glucose and fructose), organic acids (tartaric, malic), minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese), vitamin C and B vitamins juice is beneficial for cardiac muscle work, water -salt metabolism, has a laxative and diuretic action, useful in some diseases of the kidneys, liver, lungs.

Carrot juice is valuable primarily carotene (provitamin A). There is in him, and vitamin C, B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, cobalt. Widely used in clinical nutrition in diseases of liver, kidney, cardiovascular system. Helps in cases of visual impairment associated with a lack of vitamin A. Canned juice on the content of mineral substances almost as fresh, obtained from carrots. Thanks contained in carrots salts of cobalt and iron is useful for anemia.

Pumpkin juice is also rich in carotene, is in it, and salts of potassium, iron, vitamins of group B. Due to the salts of potassium, pumpkin juice is useful in diseases of the cardiovascu lar system and kidneys. A glass of fresh pumpkin juice a day recommended to those who suffer from edema.

Potato juice in some cases it helps with peptic ulcer disease. Normalizes bowel. Prepare immediately before use. Raw potatoes are cleaned, passed through a meat grinder and squeeze through 3-4 layers of gauze. Treatment combined with the gentle diet.


