2012年6月15日 星期五

Capturing the Eye for Design: Web Design

There is a large community of web developers and web designers; therefore, the competition is very much apparent in this industry. With the developments of new technology, codes and so on, even if you know all the new innovations, chances are so do a lot of other web designers. So how do you make yourself standout against the rest? How can you design better? Or what can you bring to the table that others cannot?

Web development can be compared quite often to technical equations, being that if it's followed correctly, you'll get to the end result. However, there are some parts of web development that isn't so cut and dry, such as design. Web design is where your imagination comes in, where your creative juices start flowing, and this is where personality becomes part of the equation.

Like with many things, there is a learning curve within web development and web design. The first time you decide to try designing, you might think it's somewhat difficult. However, with a little practice, you can accomplish great design, plus it happens to be a very rewarding experience.

Web design can be compared to home design in a sense that instead of focusing on the technical building side, you develop the artistic side. These elements include angles, balance, colors, and the workability of a finished product. For those with creative and artistic abilities, this part will come easy, but those that are new at it, will have to practice.

Here are some tips that will help you along in the design process:

1. Pay attention to colors. Not only in web design, but all colors that surround you. Think about which colors are stimulating and what colors tend to make you look away. Once you develop an understanding of this, you should practice it in your designs.

2. Notice the angles. Are they soft and round or more severe, hard and distinct? Also, how many angles are used? Like with colors, begin to practice using different angles.

3. Study the elements in logo design. Logos are a big asset to websites as well as to a company because people will associate the logo with the business. Whatever you determine makes a great logo, implement that into your designs.

4. User-Friendliness. The best websites out there are very user-friendly and easy to use or navigate. Notice what websites are difficult and learn to avoid those elements in your own designs.

5. Keep practicing. This is common sense, right? It's a well known fact that the more you practice, the better you will get. The same rules apply to web design.

Grasping the right eye for design can be very beneficial in the long run. Great design skills can lead to profitability and great marketing. It can also be a very rewarding challenge. Use the tips listed above to help develop your eye for design.


