2012年5月30日 星期三

Best Jeans For Curvy Women

The best jeans for curvy women depend upon several factors: your height, weight, shape and ... personal taste in clothing.

Some women will look fantastic in skinny jeans or straight leg jeans. Other curvy girls will look far better in a pair of boyfriend jeans or bootcuts.

There is no one size fits all, one brand will cover all. That's because we're all individual, for a myriad of reasons.

However, that doesn't mean that you can't source the best jeans for your body shape.

All you have to do is determine what it is you want from your jeans and how you wish to llok post purchase.

That way the best jeans for curvy women will appear as if by magic. Honest!


Best Jeans For Curvy Women

The best jeans for curvy women could be Levis. They could be designed by Gap. Maybe they're a high end designer pair ... or a great value for money pair you stumbled upon by accident.

Luckily, an advantage of modern living means that several designers are (now) dedicated to servicing a much lamented corner of the fashion world: curvy women and the plus size market. Which is great for those of us with a few extra pounds. Some of us were born curvy whilst some of us have developed a more Rubenesque figure due to having children.

There are many reasons why most of us are not the svelte size six that we were way back when. Fortunately we can live with that, as long as the likes of Levis design and manufacture the best jeans for curvy women, the best seller's being the 529's, featured to the right.

They're an awesome pair of jeans, the fit and cut are incredibly good and the price is beyond reasonable in relation to the quality. They're available from a size 4 to a size 16 and come in three different washes. Treat yourselves!

For those women that are more like me (I could never be classed as a plus size woman or one that carries excess lots of weight), but still all round curvy. I have all the attributes required of a woman that would be classed as voluptuous and that does pose a few problems on occasion.

As I have already covered in a related article -best jeans for your butt- the best jeans for this curvy woman are a pair of rigid denims. They're the perfect jeans for my body shape. They sit comfortably on my waist, neither too high nor too low.

The hug my hips and derriere, are the right length and don't sag, pull or pinch in the wrong places. Mine were also a decent price - roughly $65 a pair (I bought two). Oddly they looked as though they'd be a terrible fit when they were on the hanger.

Yet worn, they're a fantastic pair of jeans. Which is why you shouldn't judge a pair of denims by how they hang when they're completely two dimensional. Experiment, go with your instinct ... if you love the look, go for it. If they're not the perfect jeans for you then return them and try another pair.


Straight Leg Jeans For Curvy Women

Straight leg jeans for curvy women are, in point of fact, one of the three best cuts for curvy girls. The Levis 515 featured to the right are perfect curvy jeans for women. They're designed for real women, women like me and you that look and feel like all women should ... hot, sassy and curvy!

Of all the different styles, the top three you should aim for when purchasing the best jeans for your body shape are:

straight leg jeans trouser cut jeans bootcut jeans

You can and should experiment with others styles and designs - there are quite a few:

boyfriend jeans skinny jeans flared jeans carpenter jeans slouch jeans

The point of experimenting is that you really will find the perfect jeans for you. My personal preference is a skinny kick flare style.

This style doesn't suit everyone but it suits me. I have a very long inside leg yet a short body. The kick flare balances me out well, yet also deals with my natural curves.

Of the three top cuts, all will lengthen, balance out and fit and flatter women with a voluptuous figure.

The key issue here is balance. What works with your figureandwhat makes you feel comfortable. You know it ... now work it baby!

Apple Bottom Jeans

When it comes to the best jeans for curvy women, Apple Bottom jeans tick all the right boxes.

They're designed for voluptuous women. They're meant to be worn by those of us with curves in all the right places.

Apple Bottom jeans come in a wide range of styles and colors - from skiiny jeans to straight leg jeans. Distressed denim to indigo hues.

One of the best aspects of this particular brand name is the price - they're fantastic value for money.

If you're looking to purchase a fantastic jean at a great price then you won't go far wrong with Apple Bottom jeans.

If anything does motivate you into purchasing a pair - or two - at least you'll know that they really are designed around curvy women!

Best Designer Jeans Curvy Women

The best designer jeans for curvy women tend to come from the stables belonging ofeither Joe's Jeans or Not Your Daughters Jeans.

Both are trusted brands when it comes to designer names and styling - plus the fact that they both tend to be highly recognizable on the high street.

Although neither make are the cheapest on the market, they're still a long way from being the most expensive.

Either designer jeans brand will make for a great pair of jeans for curvy women, providing you keep in mind the basic principles of what works foryou:

your size your shape personal taste personal style

Not Your Daughter's Jeans are especially good for curvy women. The secret tummy tuck panel is fab for those with a problem belly area and the seat area of each pair improves the overall feel and appearance of any derrier!

They're a well received brand name and synonymous with thousands of women feeling more confident about their overall body shape.

If you do decide to teat ourself to a pair of designer jeans, then NYDJ will certainly deliver on all counts.

Could they become the best jeans for curvy women overall? Who knows - but what we do know is the fact that the design house are certainly trying their best to gives us girls exactly what we want ... great looking denim clad bodies!



