2011年12月23日 星期五

Free Apple iPhone 4 For Good Boys and Girls

The iPhone, along with its sister products such as the iPad and iPod, is one of the most sought after high-end gadgets of this generation. You want it; your dad wants; your 5 year old brother wants it; your Chihuahua might want it just as much, too, but you'll never know unless you speak woof. The thing with these little wonders is that they might seem too rough on the budget. This is the sad, inconvenient truth for most middle wage earners and below. The only thing they can do is hope for the better But just as there's Santa Clause for good boys and girls, there are companies who shower loyal consumers with free products for testinglike the free Apple iPhone 4 that's up for testing and is forever yours even after you've reported the results of the "tests". So do you need to write a letter to companies saying you've been a very good boy this year?

Nah, not really. Upon signing up in promotional sites, a company will give you a free Apple iPhoen 4 fully functional that you can tinker with and examine for you to be able to answer related surveys and share your insights about the product under review. Since the iPhone is in a phase of continuous evolution and people are anxiously awaiting bigger and better innovations and variations with the system they need your thoughts about its current features, functionality, accessories, quality and other relevant matters. After all has been said and done you can surrender the product back to the nearest Apple hub. Kidding aside. Santa Clause remembers honest kids so be sure to give them a 100% truth even if it's negative one. This might help your next employment easier to renew. Anyway, when the tests are done, you and your new iPhone can bask under the sun for God knows how long. Still not impressed?

Don't be stubborn kid. Santa doesn't like it. Again, yes, the iPhone is completely free! And you can thank Santa or the company execs for coming up with the idea of direct consumer consultation. In addition, you don't need to be a pro-opinion maker to apply as a tester. What you need is an opinionated mind and you're good to go! Reliable survey sites provide information and offers like the free Apple iPhone 4 giveaways for testers so be sure to visit them for updates on your favorite products and upcoming offer.

